And what is the obsession some white folks in this city have with Mayor C. Jack Ellis's opinions, activism, and drive. It appears some people would like him to be a non - factor in the growth and development of Macon, GA. Well listen up, he (we) will not take a back seat, again, consider you his master of destiny, again, and accept your version of how black's will behave/think in this town, again. This city belongs to all of us and everyone has a right to participate and have their opinions. You may not like what he says, but he has a right to say it, and he is coming from a perspective you do not understand. This rant alone is all the more reason we do not, I repeat, we do not need reminders (confederate monuments) of how things were, focus more on how to make everyone opinions count.
Black's historical monuments (schools, churches, neighborhoods, homes) are being destroyed/permanently removed, or moved at an alarming rate in this town to make way for progress. Tear down/remove/move to a museum these confederate monuments to make way for progress. These confederate monuments are only reminders of the separation of races that is prevalent today as when they were erected. Just saying............another perspective/opinion.