We Can Fight for Equality and
Dignity -Relocate Confederate Statues
At the top of my blog page if you
haven’t notice I have in quotes “My Truth”.
Not your truth, not Trump’s Truth, not Macon-Bibb County Commissioners
Truth, not Reichert’s truth, but My Truth.
That is to say I write this blog with my perception in mind……everyone has their
own perception of things based primarily on what they’ve experience. That said,
let me tell you what I see is being played out in the halls of the Macon’s city
government building in reference to our politicians and confederate statues. When they ran for election we
were “promised” they would have our backs. I didn’t know that meant “they would stab us
in the back” and/or have our backs sometime. Which reminds me of a past experience
I would like to share; when I was being stabbed in the back by a fellow black
co-worker years ago. I was brought into my
racist employer office to explain long distance phone calls on my workplace
telephone.. These phone calls were made
to my co-worker’s (my supervisor) husband, mind you my supervisor. However, I would talk to him also and call
him at her request. So I could not deny
I made the phone calls. Long story short,
my co-worker last words to me when I walked out of the office dumbfound at what had taken place were “things aren’t always what you perceive them to be”. I wasn't fired, but a valuable lesson learned.
I was amazed that some commissioners saw the relocation of confederate statues as a low priority issue on their busy to do list for the people who put
them in office. Why some politicians give
the impression, I’ve fulfilled my responsibility as an elected official yesterday
and today it’s all about me or it is not a part of the Democratic Party’s playbook
for the upcoming elections, so I ain’t touching it. The statement the majority of Macon’s Democratic
Commissioner expressed comes directly from the playbook of the Democratic Party
(DNC). Things are not what they are
perceived to be. I was extremely perplex
when I heard most Democratic Commissioners say it was not a priority until I
came across this article. I would advise
anyone who’s sick of listening to mainstreams media slanted and bias view to subscribe
to this blog.
Folks, slavery has not left us,
today we still have some blacks who will sell you out for the master. My truth, they play switch and bait with our
lives, they bargain to get their own interest met, if the master says
we’ve done all we’re going to do for the
black community, or this issue is not going to get us/you elected, they say yes sir master. If they notice that their opponent is getting
rewarded for (KICK-BACKS) turning his back on the black community and stabbing
the black community in the back, then they want some of that. How can any black person open their mouths,
with all of the racial divisiveness going on in the world today and say “I want
to” (I want to focus on gangs in our community, I want to focus on
unemployment, I want to focus on other parks, statues, and museum, I want to
toe the line for my party(hidden agenda), aren’t we all in this together. As people we stand together and know that strength
is in numbers, not selling-out.
who’ve been dismissed since their ancestors stepped foot on the Indian’s soil would hope their district’s commissioner understood there is no greater priority than fighting for
their equal rights….haven’t you heard of multi-tasking. Can't you look around in your district
and see the economic disparities? Commissioners if you
want to make a difference in your constituents lives (I would hope) and earn that
vote then show them that you bow down to no one, and all of your constituents priorities are your priorities, and that you are the
master of your own destiny.
I’m forever, taken aback that people who are trying to play people for fools
(both sides), don’t understand that
someone in the crowd, if not everyone, understand the shell game you play. Former
Mayor C. Jack Ellis, whatever you may say/think about him isn’t the politician you
need to be concerned about, in my opinion.
You know what he’s about and that he will fight for the equal rights of
all. I will say this, every black
activist/freedom fighter I know/knew of was not embraced by racist and pretending
not to be racist white people, and politician pretending to represent your
interest. C. Jack Ellis is indeed Harriet
Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom……..he will defy racism and will not back down. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom isn’t what
you’ve been led to believe, however, todays modern day Uncle Tom is a
sellout and what some have been led to believe..
I’m not
compromising my self-worth, self-esteem, and/or values and principle to take a
back seat, to be spat on, to be afraid to look in the face of whites, to accept
his-story (confederate soldiers history), to afford some white folk a modern day LYNCHING.
As I said before I’m through talking and in this case…..I’m finish
cowering to the master and/or allowing some white people to determine what’s
important to people of color and/or what issues take priority….you don’t know
(clueless) what being black is like as I don’t know what white privilege is
like. Today’s wannabe slave master hasn’t change as by
the comments on facebook pages, The Telegraph’s commenters,/posters, and the statement
written below by a citizen of Middle Georgia in reference to Macon's confederate statues.....its just a different time.
McCall Jay Tear it
all down. Show us all that law and due process no longer stands. Show us that
voting and comprising doesn't do shit. And then watch as your true citizens take arms, join state militias, and shoot these bastards on sight for their lawlessness. We The People are telling
you to respect property that isn't yours or be shot. You are nothing more than
a looter.
We can never be so distracted by shining objects (political
showboating and grandiosity) that we keep our minds off of what matters …….racism, bigotry, and hatred.
Black folk and
people of like mind, it’s time we organize and become a force to be reckon
with in Macon, GA. WE need to start
building capital in order to gain leverage. Times and people have changed and that’s
why some of us believe those statues in the public square must be relocated not
today, but yesterday.