Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Finally, Holding Macon - Bibb Animal Welfare and Pet Owners Accountable

Cats need to be addressed also...........Macon - Bibb County Georgia Animal Welfare.  Assistant County Attorney Crystal Jones said, "It's not a pretty subject, but it's one that we need to talk about."  While Macon - Bibb codes address the issue the problem arises in having  to "catch the people in the act or have citizens willing to testify in court that they witness the events."  And if I might add, that Macon - Bibb Animal Welfare enforces the ordinance.  Its been my experience, Macon - Bibb Animal Welfare's director and assistant director adamantly supports and defends the violator /offenders and penalize (threaten to press charges against me) the eyewitness.

I understand pet owners love their pets and treat them like family, however, I do not love your pet.  Some pet owners tend to rely on the lame excuse, "they got to go (poop) somewhere".  I agree , but clean-up behind your pet, not on my property,  and don't expect someone else to do it for you, it's your family member/pet not mines.  It's stupid someone has to be told  this and/or that an ordinance need to be in place, or that a citizen have to beg Macon-Bibb Animal Welfare to do their job. Jeeeeeeeeeeez.
Once again, Macon - Bibb County's Commissioner Lucas has taken the lead in addressing citizen's concerns based on real experience rather than perceived experiences.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mayor Robert Reichert, You Wanted This Job, Now Do Your Job,

Illegal Signs on Roadway
And require the same of your department heads.  You’ve been in your present job going on sixteen years.  In those sixteen years you’ve divided the city literally and figuratively.  It appears to me, you have allowed demarcation of this city and certain demographics to grow and flourish, other demographic to deteriorate and decompose, and Macon’s progress as a whole has fail miserably.   You have surpassed former Mayor C. Jack Ellis in being the most divisive Mayor (according to your supporters he is) in the history of Macon, Georgia, in my opinion.
SeeClickFix has exposed your priorities in the city/county and the incompetence of certain heads of departments that you personally handed pick.  And while I’m discussing your department heads, let’s not overlook their flippant attitudes when they are ask to fix and/or address an issue.   I ask the citizen and your constituents whom support you, why would a servant of the city/county’s citizens feel comfortable in flipping off a taxpaying citizens of Macon?   Is it because these supervisors understand the unspoken and spoken code in dealing with certain citizens who force you to be a Mayor to all citizens, not a few?
Crime is rampant in Macon, Georgia, I believe, because of this unspoken/clandestine attitude of do nothing city/county officials and citizens who give the Mayor a false comfort zone (KA).    If the small issues are dismissed, then anyone with half a brain can see the larger issues will be also, and they are.  Issues like....... SeeClickFix:  Issue ID # - 1010828, 2703177, 2691213, 2697877, 2697888, 2697856, 2704112, 2502965, 2656669, 1283205, 2986140 to name a few.  You want crime to be cleaned up in Macon, start by cleaning up and fixing the problems that are presented by its taxpaying citizens.  If not Macon declining reputation of being nasty and crime infested will persist.  You can put lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig (Newtown Macon, College Hill, Mercer University, etc.).

I don’t believe you even realize the harm you’re doing by dismissing law abiding citizens who are trying to make a difference and if you do and dismiss them anyway…shame on you.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

All Lives Matter...............But Some More Than Others

But some more than others.  The latter thought will be/has been America's demise.  The time to prevent major tragedies is not after the fact it is before the fact.  We are equally complicit in these wrongs……….not some more than others.

A person's self-worth as a human-being is of(not should be, but is) equal value.  My solution to these tragedies is to begin to respect people as human beings (your equal)...not Black and White, Asian and Muslim,  American and European , Rich and Poor, Ghetto and Trailer Park, Northside and Westside, Eastside, etc.

Macon-Bibb, Georgia City/County Government you have the opportunity to right wrongs, and learned from these tragedies.  Will you?  I doubt it, because you have a history, along with state government of divisive policies and treatment of people.  George Santayana, philosopher:  "Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them."   I don't believe policies and treatment made by Macon City-County Government are mistakes.  I believe they are strategically and ruthlessly planned.

Friday, July 8, 2016

4th July Fireworks in MY Neighborhood (Macon, Georgia/West Macon)......

Was a pleasant experience.  The neighborhood had minimal firework activities.  My neighbors are becoming respectful of each other, however, there are those stragglers lagging behind that continue to not respect the neighborhood or the people whom live there.  But the majority, as I‘ve said, many times care about the neighborhood and would like for our attitudes and behaviors to reflect such.

Some Maconites (specifically The Macon Telegraph’s journalists and some in Macon’s city/county government) would like you to believe that neighborhoods such as the one I live in (and proud to say so) doesn’t want the best for the neighborhood.  As with the other untruths they perpetrate I have found that not to be the case.  Every neighborhood has those one or two homes that are bent on bring down the neighborhood.  Whether that be by  gun violence, spousal abuse, obnoxious children, irresponsible pet owners, closet racist, stealing government service, partial to a certain race of people and/or community of people, irresponsible homeowners, and corrupt business professional…………you get where I’m going.

It appears and my personal opinion is, they believe, if they shine the light over here on my neighborhood, their problems will be kept in the dark.  The Macon in the Mirror series by Joe Kovac a few years back  is an excellent example of this ruse skillfully executed on Macon, Georgia’s community.  I want everyone who has this distorted view to understand that I’m not blinded by the deception and neither are others.

Below was my response to Joe Kovac's divisive and racist journalism (Macon in the Mirror) in The Macon Telegraph and Ruse. Needless to say The Macon Telegraph removed all comments so that their star journalist could appear credible.

Kovac, your articles prove you are clueless and one of the many problems for Macon.  You separate the area of Pio Nono Ave. and Vineville Ave. by class, and failure to mention the demarcation of income.  The demarcation of income contributes to the plight of the community you’ve chosen to degrade.   Those community you snubbed have done much with little.   Once white folks start moving out of the community and blacks folks move in (that’s another long story) the one percent has no interest in improving the area.  Why, because their grandmother, uncle, aunt no longer live in the area, and have moved downtown, North Macon, and Hartley Bridge road area.

As some idiots on this forum stated Pio Nono Ave. area was once a thriving area when their folks lived in the community, but once black folks started moving in they moved out.   Now, black folks are following you to downtown, North Macon, and Hartley Bridge.  Not because they want to be in your presence, but because people want safety and the perks.

Macon’s businesses hiring practices have always been questionable.   The one percent in Macon with the money and power make decisions and get the perks.   Neighborhoods are neglected because of money, politicians, and people who know nothing about the struggle who want to appear to be experts.  Your two or three day walk up Pio Nono Ave tells me you learned nothing about the lifetime of being overlooked by people elected to represent all, but only represent a few

You are not allowed to “define” the community and/or the people who live there.  The people who live there will.


The series of articles are a veneer of journalistic integrity.  What you have not disclosed is the suit’s in city hall and county government is as much the reason for the declining appearances and racist attitudes (the ghetto Kroger, I‘m gonna keep my garden better than they do, I don‘t have any problems with them, a black guy had startle her) that permeates these articles. 

The same people you denigrate in the community,  pay taxes and reap little if anything from the reserves.  Reichert is not the answer to a better Macon, Hart is not the answer to a better Macon, Ellis  and others are not the answer to a better Macon.  A candidate who can diplomatically and objectively work for the good of all is the answer.

The suits in City Hall, County Government,  and the one percent have allowed Mercer University to reap the benefits of our resources, taxes, and communities.  Black folks are not only moved into communities, but are moved out to benefit the few.  The Coleman Hill/College Hill Projects are prime examples.

People in Macon Georgia and on this forum debate with each other about crime and the people who perpetrate these crimes on a daily basis.  When the biggest crimes are being committed/perpetrated on a daily basis by City Hall’s suits right before our eyes,  robbing us of our communities to maintain the status quo.  Keeping us at odds with each other allows them to rob us blind and destroy our communities.  Power is ruthlessly gained by dividing your adversaries and keeping them clueless. (black folks and white folks).

City Hall’s suits and the one percent are responsible for the demise of Macon, Georgia and the thugs are a product of that demise, in my opinion.