Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mayor Robert Reichert, You Wanted This Job, Now Do Your Job,

Illegal Signs on Roadway
And require the same of your department heads.  You’ve been in your present job going on sixteen years.  In those sixteen years you’ve divided the city literally and figuratively.  It appears to me, you have allowed demarcation of this city and certain demographics to grow and flourish, other demographic to deteriorate and decompose, and Macon’s progress as a whole has fail miserably.   You have surpassed former Mayor C. Jack Ellis in being the most divisive Mayor (according to your supporters he is) in the history of Macon, Georgia, in my opinion.
SeeClickFix has exposed your priorities in the city/county and the incompetence of certain heads of departments that you personally handed pick.  And while I’m discussing your department heads, let’s not overlook their flippant attitudes when they are ask to fix and/or address an issue.   I ask the citizen and your constituents whom support you, why would a servant of the city/county’s citizens feel comfortable in flipping off a taxpaying citizens of Macon?   Is it because these supervisors understand the unspoken and spoken code in dealing with certain citizens who force you to be a Mayor to all citizens, not a few?
Crime is rampant in Macon, Georgia, I believe, because of this unspoken/clandestine attitude of do nothing city/county officials and citizens who give the Mayor a false comfort zone (KA).    If the small issues are dismissed, then anyone with half a brain can see the larger issues will be also, and they are.  Issues like....... SeeClickFix:  Issue ID # - 1010828, 2703177, 2691213, 2697877, 2697888, 2697856, 2704112, 2502965, 2656669, 1283205, 2986140 to name a few.  You want crime to be cleaned up in Macon, start by cleaning up and fixing the problems that are presented by its taxpaying citizens.  If not Macon declining reputation of being nasty and crime infested will persist.  You can put lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig (Newtown Macon, College Hill, Mercer University, etc.).

I don’t believe you even realize the harm you’re doing by dismissing law abiding citizens who are trying to make a difference and if you do and dismiss them anyway…shame on you.

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