Sunday, August 7, 2016

Mayor of Macon GA Robert Reichert, Are You Serious ?????????????

Mayor for Some of the People
Let me start out by saying, I'm a spectator.  I'm not in the trenches, however, I'm an experience spectator.  That said, I know from firsthand experience what a night out with Mayor Robert Reichert can accomplish. Absolutely NOTHING.  And before his supporters get up in arms I did say this was my experience (my truth).  I question the timing and genuineness of what I believe to be a political publicity stunt.  People in the video appears to be an AARP group/Senior Citizens, not saying they should not be there, "just saying" that it is apparently staged. The mayor doesn't seem to understand, nor his political cronies, one night of hoodwink/bamboozled/staged caring cannot compensate for three hundred and sixty - three days  a year of neglect and misery.  It appears I'm not the only one whose not in the trenches.  Is it me or does it seem to you he only appears in those neighborhoods affiliated with Mercer, Knight Foundation, Mill Hill, New Town Macon with vigor, enthusiasm, and genuineness?

So he says fighting crime is everyone responsibility.  It appears to me it becomes everyone responsibility when it hits home and/or he needs to make a television appearance.  Crime has come to a neighborhood near him and/or his cohorts.  The diverse group of people in WMAZ - TV video more than likely (speculating) were ask to show –up.   Maybe not, but they don’t seem to be willing participants, to me.  The majority appear to be black which sent a message that crime only occurs in black neighborhoods (divisive hidden agenda).  I think crime in Macon Georgia is in all neighborhoods, it’s just spotlighted in some neighborhoods, as are some perpetrators of these crimes.

Mayor Robert Reichert, if you are serious about fighting crime and it is all our responsibility, produce action not words on a piece of paper (proclamation).  Put surveillance cameras in these neighborhoods where crime is prevalent.  Surveillance cameras have been effected  in apprehending suspects/criminals and preventing crime in communities/neighborhoods.  Organize people to truly participate in crime deterrents by training individuals to recognize people not adhering to the law, whether it is a felony and/or city ordinance, develop a system to report crime anonymously(using a similar if not an exact design as SeeClickfix as a model),  and contribute more of the splost money to neighborhoods that need it, not want it.  Mayor Reichert be a mayor for all the people, stop wrapping yourself in a cocoon (City Hall Meetings where citizens concerns are only shared one-way, night out where one person talks with you and you fake listening,  and staged community forums, gentrification of neighborhoods, ) be a mayor for all the people not a few and all the neighborhoods not a few.

Do you really think a meager twelve million dollars is going to eradicate blight in neighborhoods?  Yes I said eradicate, because that’s what’s needed, not a band-aide ($12, 000, 000.00). What will twelve million dollars buy in today’s hard hit economy?  What twelve million dollars purchased twelve years ago, will not today, when you factor in inflation. So Macon - Bibb County government is once again short changing us and our neighborhoods.   In Macon it will provide salaries for over paid and under worked city government officials, but it will not put a dent in Macon’s blight issues

The mayor stating, fighting crime being the responsibility of everybody has so many contradiction, on so many levels when you look at what he has done and what he is doing.  Stop giving people a false sense of security and start making safety a priority for Macon citizens in their/my neglected/deprived/blighted neighborhood/s.

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