Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Tale of Two Cities or Two Faces…..Macon, GA Criminals or More Alike than Not Alike

Erin Fountain
The recent arrest of tax commissioner’s employee proved how profoundly true the above statement rings true.  I’ve believed for a while that criminals and people in Macon, GA were more alike than unlike.  The major difference is in the perception of and description given by the Macon Telegraph and Ruse and Macon’s citizens posing as not racist.  The criminals with baggy pants, darker complexions, unemployed, carrying guns, and steals from the outside-in,  are considered “thugs” in the Macon Telegraph and Ruse and by some of the paper’s readers/commenters (posing as not racist), shrugs, and general public.  The criminals who are dressed professional casual, light complexions, employed, do not carry guns into the places they are robbing, and steals from in the inside-out are considered “suspects”.    Former Mayor C. Jack Ellis wrote an opinion of this exact observation that I have, but with tact and diplomacy.  You know, in this city you have to tread ever so lightly not to offend the powers that be (politician/s and the 1%ers, and not to wake the dead (low information and/or no information voters).

The only differences in crime and neighborhoods in Macon, GA are how they are looked at and reported.  Mayor C. Jack Ellis had open a discussion of the distinction on how the city of  Macon operated a few years back, but  people are set on deflecting the truth, so his opinion in the local paper  (shell game)  was not taken seriously.  Folks for years have orchestrated ingenuous shell games to steal land, money, a person self-worth, and power.  It is no different today and is happening in a more legal, disguised and sophisticated manner by people we looked up to.....  who are our elected politician/s, news media (The Macon Telegraph and Ruse) appointed officials, foundations, universities, law enforcement, etc.

 I’m of the belief by distinguishing one race of people from another continues the shell game.  I see this game played out on a daily bases in the city I live, and spoken of by friends and families, not just C. Jack Ellis.  Macon, GA’s elite/privilege/racist attitudes has not changed since slavery days, it’s just played on a grandeur level.  As people go on with their lives pretending they are a long ways from “separate but equal” days in Macon, GA, I say you are far from the dream Martin so eloquently spoke.  You are being judge daily in your neighborhoods, by your acts, by the color of your skin, what you wear, whether you have a job, and not by the deed (stealing is stealing) but how and who carries out the deed.

AS I’ve said before I don’t condoned the murders taking place  in my communities, nor do I condone the nationwide killings , but what I appall most are folks posing as not racist minimizing their role in criminal acts.  Showing two faces the ones behind closed doors and the one they put on in public, in this Tale of Two Cities, Macon, GA.



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