Friday, August 18, 2017

Moral Compass............Confederate Statues Removal/Macon-Bibb County GA Commissioners and Mayor Leaves Me SMH.

The Telegraphs story regarding the removal of  Macon's in your face confederate statues give its citizens a bird's eye view of the stupidity that looms in the halls of city government.  If you don't stand for something, then you will fall for anything.  There are five commissioners and the mayor who've shown in my opinion they are spineless, racist, self-absorbed, lack character, self-serving, on the wrong side of history, and cowards on issues that address inequality and people of color...........forty-five's mini mes.

Statue in downtown Macon's center square
It saddens and baffles me to see the majority of Americans/Maconites get sucked into a mindset that they are  equally, one-third, one -half as responsible for the racial divide the blatant/in your face white supremacist/racist are.  The people who oppose racism, bigotry, inequalities, are open to looking at the alt-right arguments as a grey area.  There are no grey areas when it comes to believing that all men are created equal.  We can not compromise on human rights and dignity.  The alt-left terminology has become apart of mainstream America vernacular....... we can not breath air into these hate mongers justification/rationalization/terminology.  You are giving them a platform to continue the divide.  An irrational and derange "forty-five" coined the term alt-left, and we must denounce it.

There is a false-support being demonstrated/spreaded by some people to validate they are not racist and/or support discrimination, bigotry, and racism.  History has shown that accepting the crumbs from the table is not an option.  This false-support allows racism, bigotry, hatred to exist in an unassuming, inconspicuous, and deceiving way and magnifies its existence.  Above all it contributes to the prolong suffering; economically, socially, and psychologically growth of human- mankind.

Rebuttal to The Telegraphs Commenter and Macon-Bibb County Commissioners/Mayor on the Removal of Confederate Statues in Macon, GA:

David L. Blackmon ·
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University -This Telegraph's commenter on this story says:

Good for them, we have more important issues than to worry about statues and old monuments. These statues and monuments have been in place for years and now all of a sudden they are a problem. If you don't want to see these monuments then don't visit them, these were some of greatest men and women of their time. I'm an Air Force vet and I served under some Commander in Chiefs that I disagreed with , however it wasn't about them it was about this country. They need to bring back the draft so we can teach these young men and women some patriotism. The enemy don't care what color you are, all they know is that you are an American and they want to kill you. We have armed conflicts around the world and we're fighting amongst ourselves at home. If you want fight, join the military and go to some of these hotspots around the world, and give our troops a break. Some of these people have too much time on their hand.

Just Saying:  David we do not have a choice to visit or not visit these confederate statues.  Your ancestor/s in most cases erected them in the heart of southern cities as a daily reminder of white supremacy and for ni**ers to stay in their place.  Our young men do not have to fight wars to learn can be shown in their cities and towns by removing these statues and placing them in not so conspicuous places (confederate cementary/museums) and knowing that they are equal to any and all men.  The only people that need a break, in my opinion, are people of color.  A break from the constant denigration, racism, bigotry, criticism and hatred on a daily basis. Your president has double down/ triple down/quadruple down on his obvious hate for people who do not look like him, their culture, their humanity.  Forty- five has demonstrated he has no moral compass and/or conscience.  Your silence is heard loud and clear.  You fool no one.

Gary Bechtel: "It's a distraction. There're better things we need to focus on that will have more of an impact on the county. I can't see this coming up in the agenda."

Just Saying:  Be glad that your constituents are of like mind, because in my mind you are a distraction and need to be removed from representing the people of Macon-Bibb County.  What better thing to do than to ensure that everyone genuinely believe and it is demonstrated that they are an asset to the city in which they live.

Larry Schlesinger: "Right now, we are looking into the legality of actually doing that. There's a state law that may supersede the local law. We've got to find out about that before we can do anything."

Just Saying: When I grow up I want to be exactly like you.  Your astuteness has made a difference in bringing calm to and otherwise chaotic city-county government.

Elaine Lucas: "I'm not advocating the removal of anything in place now. That would be counterproductive." Lucas said she wants to work on more positive things, something like erecting a Martin Luther King Jr. statue in a prominent place in the downtown area.

Just Saying: Ms. Lucas,  I have the utmost respect for you and your fight for equality, are you sure counterproductive is what you meant?  I hope not, because freedom from oppression is never counterproductive and place on the back burner.  People of color are still being oppressed and deprived of their rights to be treated equal.  Whats in place now, in my opinion, is an eyesore and needs to be removed.

Mallory Jones: When asked for his position, Jones said, "No comment."

Just Saying:  CYA, Trumps' mini-me

Bert Bivins: "I'm not interested in getting into that. I'm not fighting anyone who wants to take them down. It's unnecessary and may hurt what we've already accomplished with civil rights."

Just Saying:  Extremely disappointed in your statement as one who represent my district.   The civil rights movement didn't end when you made a stand against discrimination and begin and will continue until the second paragraph in the Declaration of Independence is fulfilled and comes natural to all men and not given a second thought.

Joe Allen: " ... State law will probably prohibit the statues being torn down." Allen said he'd go to federal court to stop the removal of them, "because it's not right for someone to step on and infringe on someone else privilege or someone else's ideas," he said. "That's like someone saying 'tear the Tubman down because it's a museum.' I would stand just as strongly for the Tubman, The Douglas as I would for these here."

Just Saying:  And that you should (stand strong), because the artifacts and memorabilia in those buildings signifies struggles of slavery/slaves and the many who die so that others can be free.  Your misguided pride for confederate memorial statues dismiss the real history behind the erection of those statues, which was to secede from the union and keep slavery relevant.  Yes, you are right some whites think as you do and have made it damn near impossible to remove those statues............ they may not come down in my lifetime, but I believe and have faith in humanity enough to know, that one day they will be "put in their place".

Scotty Shepherd: "It's a lot of hoop-de-doo over nothing. It's been there so long, now they're making a lot of noise about it. Why? They're making something out of nothing."

Just Saying:  The fact that you use the words "hoop-de-doo" speaks volumes to your ignorance of history, which makes your overall statement a non-factor.  That your intent is to remain in the past and would prefer the treatment of people of  color to remain in the past speaks volumes.  Shame on you to marginalize the dignity of people of color.

Virgil Watkins: "Honestly (the statues), they don't fill my heart with joy. As far as I'm concerned, the statues only stand for racism and slavery. There's being research done about a state law that preempts the local law and may prohibit us from doing anything. ... it's offensive to a large number of the community who want it gone."

Just Saying:  " A person who knows history and speaks honestly about the meaning of confederate statues and truly represents his constituents.

Al Tillman: "My focus is to help reduce gun and gang violence. Those monuments have not deterred me from reaching my goals in life."

Just Saying: " Commissioner Al Tillman allow me to be the first to remind you, as an elected official your first duty is to the people who put you in office, the removal of confederate monuments is not about you and your accomplishment, but the citizens you serve and future generations.  You want to stay focus on other issues.........stay focus on equality for all, not just for you.  Jeez. "

Mayor Robert Reichert didn't respond to requests for comment. On Monday, however, Reichert said he hasn't "given the issue much consideration."

Just Saying: The following statement was once utter by our mayor when ask about  Macon's confederate statues: "These memorials are to the individual soldiers, their effort and gallantry, courage and heroism, etc," Reichert said. "And to the women and children. There's a monument here at the top of Poplar Street to the women and children who endured so much.

G-A-L-L-A-N-T-R-Y, gallantry Mayor Reichert would be you stepping-up and removing confederate statues in our city as other brave and courageous mayors have done in their cities. Enduring so much, again I need to ask you, are you serious?

Also:  Reichert says he views the monument as a memorial to courage and patriotism on both sides of the Civil War.  If it sounds familiar, similar words were express by Trump about both sides in Charlottesville, VA..................just saying. (Source: AP/July 01, 2015)

Macon-Bibb County Commissioners there's no more important issue than human rights and dignity.  And if you morons do not have the time and/or desire to address your constituents everyday concerns, let me suggest that you pretend you care and assigned those insignificant concerns  to citizens who do care .....just saying.

I quote: The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do

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