Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Lucas in Hot Water Over Gordon's Councilman 'slave' Comment

This is the headline by The Macon Telegraph staff writer/s Stanley Dunlap and Leigh Womack.  Articles such as this only divide and bring out race haters and baiters as indicated in the comment section of this article.    This story is a ruse to keep our community divided, at odds with each other,  and to disparage Commissioner Lucas. 

If you fail to report the real offensive taking place in this community, I believe you have no right to report those stories that only demonstrate your biases.  If you cannot see the blatant gentrification and disparity perpetrated by city/county government and report on it, then it’s obvious who in the community should be appalled by whom.  What’s worse to be called a slave or treated as a slave on a daily bases by government hidden agenda?   If you want to fan the flames report on the communities that are ignored and why, write about the disparities in this community, write about the grants and loans available to a certain segment of the community and not others and why, write about……..

Macon-Bibb County government officials offend people every day with decisions that effect citizen's lives in a negative way.  What’s worse to be called a slave or to be treated as a slave on a daily bases by people you've elected to have your back?

The word slave has many connotations and interpretations.  The writers in this article and the people they talked with chose to use it in a way that would disparage Commissioner Lucas.   We still have racism,  we still have inequality, we still have people/businesses who discriminate, we still have people voting against their own interest, we still have people who try and divide a community, we still have people using the word Uncle Tom, we still have people using the word white rednecks/trailer trash/cracker, we still have people using the n-word and believing it’s okay or not caring one way or another.  Doesn’t make it right, but it never the less exist.  Why would reporters go out of their way and find stories such as this to report when there are so many noteworthy issues that plague our city which need to be address?  Leaves me SMH.

Just a few days later look what happens......

Opportunist and Hypocrites

If only the overseers (white privilege) were as incensed by WR Military Base offensive comments.   The commenters and naysayers are only opportunist and hypocrites.  They continue to believe to this day they can control what others say, think, and/or do.  Those days, people are long gone.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Macon GA Mayor Power Grab

Mayor Robert Reichert 's power grab has only brought attention to his lack of leadership.   Employees are only as good as the person who leads them.  It is no coincident that the new garbage collection and recycling operation has hit a bumpy road first time out of the gate.  He is trying to juggle too many issues at once, which only proves that government employees needs Macon District Commissioner involvement/input to counteract chaos.  It never has been a good idea to have one person in control of everything, especially when there are several departments as in this case. 

His statement of the "best of the best" in his hiring of seven department heads with no input from city/county commissioners seems to be backfiring on him.  He appears to revel in these one sentence quotes such as the best of the best and no reason to fix a system that’s not broke.  Well, Mayor Robert Reichert it is broke and it does need fixing.

The people need to elect a new mayor who can discern when he/she is knee deep and when to relinquish some of their responsibility (power).

Monday, January 11, 2016

Customer Service.............What's That?

Customer Service is a lost entity and/or passing fad today.  I am amaze at the lack of professionalism and courtesy extended to buyers of goods, tax paying citizen and just the neighbor next door.  Every and I mean every, local government office and/or official I’ve contacted in the last year either ignores my correspondence (emails), blatantly lies to my face, is oblivious to what’s going on,  and/or plan just don’t care.   Some may say this an exaggeration, but in my experience lately in dealing with city- county government, restaurants, churches, etc.   I am absolutely appalled at the lack of concern shown by people who are working for a living, working for God, working for the public, working to survive.

I’ve read discussions in the news  of global concerns such as lack of competency of politician and people concern for our country well- being, but you really have to look no farther than your own backyard to find the same.    My mother had this saying when I was growing up, “clean up your own back yard, before you clean up someone else.”  This statement ringed true then and truly rings true today.   I welcome the day when people once again value people, customer service, neighbors, and their jobs.