Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Macon GA Mayor Power Grab

Mayor Robert Reichert 's power grab has only brought attention to his lack of leadership.   Employees are only as good as the person who leads them.  It is no coincident that the new garbage collection and recycling operation has hit a bumpy road first time out of the gate.  He is trying to juggle too many issues at once, which only proves that government employees needs Macon District Commissioner involvement/input to counteract chaos.  It never has been a good idea to have one person in control of everything, especially when there are several departments as in this case. 

His statement of the "best of the best" in his hiring of seven department heads with no input from city/county commissioners seems to be backfiring on him.  He appears to revel in these one sentence quotes such as the best of the best and no reason to fix a system that’s not broke.  Well, Mayor Robert Reichert it is broke and it does need fixing.

The people need to elect a new mayor who can discern when he/she is knee deep and when to relinquish some of their responsibility (power).

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