Friday, June 10, 2016

How Inspiring is Danny D. Glover of Macon Georgia?

How Inspiring is This Macon, Georgia?

I was encouraged to see such an inspiring and motivated young black man take the initiative to improve (instead of destroy, degrade, and rob/steal/damage the reputation) the community he feels connected.  His background as a community activist reminds me of a young Barack Hussein Obama.   His goals are what it’s going to take to revitalize the black communities that are neglected, ignored, and destroyed by city-county government. I grew-up in the area he would like to revitalize, and have nothing but fond memories.   But he cannot do it by himself….he will need the help of like mind young, middle-age, and old people to extend a hand (get involved).

I would imagine some reading the article, thought as I did, what an admirable thing to do.  However, POC (low income, median income, high income) could make a difference by asking themselves, what can I bring to the table to assist this young man's endeavors.  And it may not necessarily require money, just your talents, whatever that may be.

We allow our neighborhoods to be things of the past (his-story) by sitting back and doing nothing, waiting for your tax paying dollars to benefit (kick-in) the neighborhood, waiting on someone else to do it, and waiting for the powers that be (city-county elected officials) to care.  The key word here is “waiting”.  Believe me, that’s not going to happen,  history has shown his-story WILL ALWAYS TAKE PRIORITY no matter how distorted and bias.

Another gross error we make in trying to better our communities, is begging/pleading (please) for the powers that be to fix our problems……..they see our issues as our problems not his/theirs.  So he/they have no interest or desire to intervene.  Your persistency, financial assistance, and fearlessness is the only thing that will work on people’s ignorance and/or people who ignore you.  Your willingness to contribute time, or money, and/or knowledge is the only thing that’s going to stop the bleeding (literally and figuratively) in our communities.

I contacted the writer (journalist/Stanley Dunlap/The Macon Telegraph) of this story by email asking for contact information for Mr. Danny D. Glover so that I could contribute to the goals of this young man….I don’t need to tell you there has been no response.  However, it will not stop me from doing what I can to assist.  I will also be trying to set up a gofundme page to garner support for his efforts.  If you, who are reading this and know Danny D. Glover I would appreciate any contact information provided. I don’t know the feasibility of a gofundme page, but I will be looking into it as well as other possibilities. Actual work begins when contact with the young man who initiated this awesome project is located. I especially ask those people of color to step up to the challenge and become involved. 
It would be uplifting if (and only if) the Mayor of Macon, Georgia saw what an opportunity this is to show his concern for Macon's  black communities demise, and assist this young man in the pursue of equal opportunity and community development.  Not necessarily assisting financially, but experiences and resources.  I was raised that when you, "Give a  man a fish, you'll feed him for a  day............teach a man to fish and you'll have fed him for a lifetime", and Glover has demonstrated by taking the initiative that he's not looking for a handout, but a hand up.

To be continued...............

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