Sunday, November 27, 2016

Words Matter.............President Elect Donald Trump

When a person shows you who they are the first time, believe it.   Some people are trying to put a spin on Donald Trump the candidate and Donald Trump the president.  A leopard doesn’t change its spot.  Donald Trump is going to be the president he told you he would be and no amount of diplomacy is going to change that fact.

He’s brought the closet racist/s out in the open.  Instead of begrudging and/or fighting what you already knew…….embrace it.  You now know who your enemies are, rather than being in the dark and speculating.  You can better fight a seen opponent, oppressor, and racist, than one who’s hiding.  Donald has given you a gift of knowledge and awareness.  Don’t reject it and lose the element of surprise and the element of being prepare for whatever the adversity will be in the future.  Because there will be more than you have ever encountered in the past.  You are now better equipped to deal with those adversities……….they are embolden and showing you who they are in their words (The Telegraph’s Opinion Page Commenters) and actions (Macon – Bibb Government’s Apathy).  Use this election of Donald Trump to your advantage and start making a difference in Macon, GA and nationwide.

There is only one person who can save you from this mess you got yourself in, it’s not a congressman, the liberal media, a senator, ACLU attorney, NAACP representative, a Supreme Court judge, and it’s Y-O-U.
Maconities you have allowed certain politicians, in my opinion, such as Commissioner Tillman to play both sides of the fence for their own political gain.  These politicians don’t have your best interest in mind.  The way you can stop these self-serving political cronies from contributing to the demise of people of color and carrying out Trump’s agenda is to not compromise your own personal principles.  Principles of equality for all, honesty, respect for all people, etc.  My prediction as with all wolves in sheep clothing he will be exposed for the racist/self-serving individual he is and so will Macon's political wolves.


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