Monday, October 17, 2016

Mayor Robert Reichert..........The Emperor Has No Clothes


Macon Georgia Mayor's LEGACY
Dave Oedel's comment has it sentiments exactly.  It doesn't matter how many pseudo awards you give out, as long as Macon, GA continues to separate the haves and have nots, separate one side of town from another, and the inequitable distribution of city/county equity (land) the public will see through the deception.  To say that downtown Macon is progressing is an illusion…..take a look at the storefront the man is standing in front of in The Telegraph’s snapshot.  It appears to be empty, as empty as the heads that made up the story.  Mayor Reichert (the emperor has no clothes) has a desire to make his legacy one of rebuilding Macon (specifically downtown), but he has failed miserably.  His failure is glaring on every street you walk on and every street corner you turn.  Macon is an eyesore and needs new leadership.  In my opinion, anyone who thinks Macon has progressed during the mayor’s tenure is not the solution to a better Macon, but the problem.

Isn’t it ironic how awards tend to always end up in the wrong hands………….just saying.  Mayor to choose one over another has never been a good idea, first grasp that concept before embarking upon a journey to make Macon better.

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