Saturday, June 3, 2017

Ignorance Is NOT Bliss/Rosa Parks Square Beer Festival/Just Tap’d

Rosa Parks Square
Jim Beall, shame on you for such an ignorant, insensitive, arrogant argument, to continue the blatant disrespect of the black community. Civil disobedience has nothing to do with your distorted argument/irony, rationalization and/or one is being disrespected by others in wanting a respectful, undesecrated, and drug-free park to honor one of America's civil rights icons, however, the opposite is the case based on your argument (irony) appears to me, stupidity for you and others to ignore/minimize/rationalize/continue drinking beer in Rosa Parks Square and blatant (in your face) disrespect, and the audacity to see it  as "civil disobedience".  It speaks volumes to how white privilege has a deafening and blind effect on some people.

Hargrove Black Civil Rights Activist/Check out Reichert's interest
From my vantage point this is no more than a good ole boy move, cronyism, racism, and segregation at its best.  It is no coincident that Just Tap’d is cross the street from Rosa Park Square and would be convenient/accommodating for the patrons, good ole boys, and owners.  Do you have an interest in (personal or otherwise) Just Tap’d (Jeff Kressin-owner)?  Your argument smells of special interest, and it’s a smell that Macon can do without.   The web has made it possible for all things done in the dark to be illuminated.  You and your good ole boys have a web footprint which allows others to ascertain your “real motives”.  Nothing about pictures obtain from the web of Just Tap’d says all inclusive.' 

If you believe continuing to drink in the park is a form of (your interpretation) civil disobedience, blacks in Macon should (since blacks are the architects of civil disobedience) send a message to Just Tap’d (Jeff Kressin-Proprietor) with peaceful protest; picketing, sit-ins, and in your face sit downs with one person buying one beer for the fifty to a hundred black people who will patronize the bar, demonstrating solidarity with peaceful protest every single day.  Just because some people don’t share the same objectives, skin color, goals, aspirations, financial stability, clout, and political power doesn’t mean they should be dismissed and especially when it offends….get a clue.

I do recall when young blacks wanted access to Tattnall Square Park and they were denied.  It appears the only people who voices matter when decisions about Macon are debated, specifically downtown Macon, are people of no color (whites).  It amazes me how some whites come together to hinder the progress of blacks.  And on the other hand denigrate blacks for not being involved in their community, other than to destroy those communities.  It appears some people will always find a reason to hinder black’s endeavors and diminish their successes.

Jeff Kressin, Owner of Just Tap'd/Check out Reichert's interest in what is being said.
Drinking beer in Rosa Parks Square has nothing to do with the economics of downtown Macon and everything to do with Blacks not being allow to make decisions about what issues are important and should be respected/preserved, and what and who has input in the growth/development of Macon GA. The majority of the parks in Macon Georgia has the input of white folks; what it is, what it will be, and what activities will take place.  This city will not become better with the input of a few whites, but input from all.

Downtown/Newtown Macon has no real signs that blacks input is welcome or that downtown power brokers are interested in what blacks’ have to say.  This should come as no surprise to anyone.  Take a closer look at businesses that dominate downtown Macon…………lofts, bars, breweries, Just tap’d, etc. Trying to adopt other cities urban plans and not developing their progressive attitudes spells disaster. City-County government and their allies appear to promote/encourage the Jim Beall's of Macon ridiculous/ludicrous interpretation of civil disobedience by being silent and/or non - committal on issues that exclude black folks.  It appears to be the role Commissioner Al Tillman has taken.  In my opinion Commissioner Al Tillman, you are on the wrong side of history and the tracks, and no one is fooled by your indecisiveness (passing the buck). You can end this blatant exclusions of blacks in the development of downtown and other areas in Macon (gentrification).  If I’m not mistaken those were the goals of ISSUU for everyone to play a part in the development of downtown Macon.   Your debut on the political scene more than demonstrated the type of commissioner you would be……….two questionable addresses and now, once elected, appears to be two-faced.

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