Sunday, April 9, 2023

NBA Players Must Stand for the National Anthem…………..leaves me SMH

I believe if there are rules people need to follow those rules (all people) if they are equally enforced. Rules are put in place to deter chaos and to provide/consistency/ unity/equality/standards/cohesiveness. The constitution the rule of law was also put in place for those same reason. Instead, some Americans are not treated equally and given the same respect. I agree with NBA that players should stand when the anthem is played if it is a “rule”, however those players who have yet to see or experience equality and given the same respect, I believe should turn their backs to the flag, as the American flag has done them. White folk are a piece of work, they are still enacting those same “rules” as the eighteen hundreds slave masters and civil rights movement. Rules that says we can mistreat you/we own you………your thoughts, your actions, and if you have any dreams we own those too. We will deprive you of a decent living, deprive you of your dignity, deprive you of rights guarantee by the constitution, and employ you to entertain us (basketball, football, etc) and we expect you to be grateful without protesting. I believe the Anthem and American Flag rules holds American’s blacks hostage and is used to control blacks as it has always in the history of these United States. Rules are made to be broken and this is the time in history the rule standing for the American Anthem/Flag should be broken……..just saying.

The American Flag and Anthem has abandoned the people of Puerto Rico, where are those "don’t protest" patriots, and your President appears to be “always” against people of color voicing their rights. What’s that about? I’ll tell you what it’s about; its about America controlling what you say, how you say it, where you say it, and when you say it. Where are Americans, @ their football games (Wisconsin……..) and your President is @ his golf course in New Jersey. Tell me again, what the rules are?

Demand respect be shown to the people of Puerto Rico instead of a flag that only symbolizes the freedom of a few......JEEZ.
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