Saturday, February 13, 2016

Four More Years of the Same Old, Same Old.......Mayor Robert Reichert

I don't think so.

It’s a shame that my tax dollars doesn’t grant me the same privileges, perks, inside information that other taxpayers are privy to.  Mayor Reichert has focused his time in office on those areas that benefit the white community, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with him taking care of his own.  However, when it becomes a situation where it’s in your face and blatant disparity, everyone that lives in Macon, Georgia should be appalled and/or concerned, and rethink their vote.    When an elected official has been voted in office, his/her responsibility is to become the elected official of all…………even those who did not vote for him, even those who are not his constituents, even those who did not contribute substantial amounts of money to his campaign, and finally the least of them (poor and downtrodden).

I said in a post in the Macon Telegraph when he was running for office four years ago, and I will say it again, “he is not the mayor for Macon, Georgia”.  Do your research and see what and who he works for in the community.  His style of governing is dictatorship and anarchy.  I did my homework and below is what I found.

Tax Commissioner appointed without a vote, circumventing will of the people.

Collaborated with Mercer University to move blacks out of areas to accommodate whites.

Collaborated with The Knights Foundation to improve those area once blacks were removed.

Collaborated with businesses to revitalize the downtown area to cater to the white population.

Reichert has divided the people of Macon, as shown in his promotions and administrative staff.   His promotion of department heads in city/county government departments included one black. County Commissioners are right to demand a say in city government and void the city charter to avoid improprieties as the ones mention.  He has proven at the detriment of people of color that he is not a mayor for all.  His governing style over the years is a profound example of government lacking the skills to reflect the city in which it serves.  If we are to move Macon forward, we need to stand together as a people and elect a mayor for all the people

If you want your community (where you live) to be an oversight, vote Reichert.

If you want decisions about your community made by someone who do not know or address your struggles, vote for Reichert.

If you want someone once elected focus on the privilege, vote for Reichert.

If you want someone who only see the plight of poor people when he’s addressing an election’s platform,  vote Reichert.

If you want someone who’s making a career of being Macon’s mayor, instead of making a difference in Macon, vote for Reichert.

If you want a candidate who will enrich the elite, as he has been doing, off the backs of the poor in Macon (gentrification),  vote for Reichert.

If you want to be thought of as a non-thinker/gullible, opting for the same old, same old, vote for Reichert.


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