Monday, February 22, 2016

POC/Whites: Voting Against Your Own Interest

Low information or No Information voters?  It boggles the mind to witness Hillary capture the minds and hearts of so many voters.  I’m aware that most feel her opponent is not electable.  What makes him not electable in my opinion is people not electing him when they have the opportunity.  But more confusing than that, is the people who I talk with belief that Clinton will provide them the “pie in the sky”  they believe makes Bernie unelectable (offering a dream/free stuff).  Go figure.  People I talk with believe if Bernie is elected Congress would surely not act on any of his campaign promises, as they would Clinton’s campaign promises, if elected.  They believe the ACA is sustainable only if Clinton is elected. 

The problem it appears, “they believe”, rather than doing the necessary homework to become “inform decision makers”.  Once a person is informed it’s difficult to become bamboozled/hoodwink.  Who you vote for is your business/choice, just make sure your integrity, principles, and character aren’t compromised in choosing your candidate.



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