Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hell Has no Fury as a Citizen Dismissed

My closer look at Macon’s mayor, Robert Reichert, came about as a result of my neighbor's violation of Macon, Georgia’s city/county ordinance and the mayor’s dismissal of my citizen nuisance complaint.  Upon my neighbor (Lea Cilbirth/1012 Hillyer Avenue) initially moving into the neighborhood her cats had begun to come onto my property.  Leaving signs that it had come and gone by leaving its calling card.  I had discussed with her on numerous occasion my disdain for her cats.   My comments did not have the results I expected.  Her response was to suggest what I should to do to keep her cats out of my yard.  Such as sprinkling cayenne pepper in my yard, anti-cat web addresses brought to me to peruse, and she even had her companion to come down to argue her case.  The arrogance was illuminating and only anger me, but trying to be a good neighbor I listen to her suggestions.

After many years of going back and forth with her on this annoying issue, I contacted city/county government, they in return sent Macon’s city ordinance regulations and assured me my neighbor was in violation of the city ordinance.  Having that confirmation, I spoke with animal welfare who I had been speaking with all along, who gave me instruction on what I needed to do in order for them to issue citation/s, fine her, and eventually take her to court.  One thing I was ask to do was document each time her cat/s were on my property.  I followed their instruction to the “T” for a number of months, nothing happen.

I then phoned the city/county government’s customer service worker who wanted to schedule me an appointment to come in and talk to the mayor,  on the mayor designated night in for the citizens of Macon.   I didn’t believe it warranted a discussion with the mayor, so I declined/cancelled appointment.  The problem persisted so I gave in and scheduled the appointment after some coaching by his administrative secretary, who led me to believe if I wanted the problem resolved I needed to come in on his scheduled mayor's night in.  Which is a complete waste of a citizen times.  He only does it (it appears) for documentation purposes only.   I never/ever heard from him (personally) again after that first contact.  How self-absorbed can one be? 

Bottom line, again following instructions, and absolutely nothing was accomplish.  By now I’m fuming, not angry, but fuming.  I began to send emails to the mayor, city/county commissioner, and staff of animal welfare, again nothing.  I did what experts’ state is the proper way to resolve conflicts (1) know your laws/rights (2) speak with the offender (3) contact proper authority (4) document your efforts, etc……to no avail.

I’m not suggesting by any means this is how to resolve conflicts, but what I’m suggesting is not to give up if you believe strongly you are in the right and the laws are on your side, and in some cases you may do everything right, and wrong seems to prevail.  The mayor and some of his staff demonstrated that they had no moral conscience and cared less about doing the right thing.  I believe they thought I would go far away, but I haven’t and I will not until this is resolved, not glazed over, not overlooked, not swept under the proverbial corrupt rug, but resolved.
Those e-mail communications I sent and received will be posted occasionally on this blog.

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