Friday, April 1, 2016

Oh, What A Tangle Web We Weave.........When We Practice to Deceive

I went before Judge Faulkner in Macon Georgia as a witness concerning the cat problem I’ve written about that persist in my neighborhood.  First I would like to say what an enlightening experience it was for me.  Judge Faulkner impressed me as a just judge.  He patiently took the time to put everyone at ease who came before him.  I was impressed particularly with an indigent defendant who came before him that was meticulous questioned to determine whether or not he was able to pay his fine.  It was disclosed he was not, rather than burdening the defendant any further with a fine he obviously could not pay the Judge gave him community service work.  How cool is that to witness such astuteness and compassion from the criminal justice system.

My summons to appear in court came a few days before the court date of March 30th.   Before the summons I had put an open record request for citations and any information relevant to the cat problem (Lea Cilbrith) I had been reporting for years.  Discovered through this open record request she had a court date.  The summons was heaped in erroneous information.  


Long and short of it, in satisfying my request as required  by law, they could only come up with one citation and one they needed to find.  Can you say sloppy record keeping and/or no record keeping or can you say no citations until ask.  Very suspicious, because I had been told all along citations (not one or two) had been issued to Lea Cilbrith.

Anyway, the reason Lea and I are in court is because she pleaded not guilty to city ordinance violation 5-12 (begin in control of animals) and I’m there as a witness.  Go figure.  She mention to the judge paper work related to efforts she had taken to have cats spayed and neuter.   That she  had only two cats, the reason why she allows her cat to roam off her property …….yada, yada.  I, in turn relayed to the judge, I just want her to keep the cats off my property and the expense I had been burden with because of the cats.

Do I need to tell you the 180 degree turn around Animal Welfare Director and her Assistant Director had in court?  They told the judge how they’ve tried to work with the both of us……..when all you need to do is read “” to see how they handled the problem.  I’ve suspected and always have suspected they were too accommodating to Ms. Cilbrith.  In fact the day we are to appear in court is the day Lea Cilbrith (teacher) did not have to go to work.  The day to appear in court was the week of “Spring Break”.  How many “breaks” does she need……….. can you way WTF? 

For all the people I sought help from, Lea Cilbrith, Macon Mayor Reichert and CSR, Sheriff Davis, Animal Welfare Director Adams, Animal Welfare Assistant Director Johnson, Animal Welfare Staff, and my precinct 3  who did nothing………justice was served in spite of.   Bottom line, Lea was fined (reduced fine) and it was implied in court she must be the “crazy cat lady” in the neighborhood.  Morrow of the story, oh, what a tangle web we weave…when we practice to deceive.

I don’t believe this is the end of this saga….stay tuned.

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