Monday, September 18, 2017

Coroner Leon Jones..........Macon GA Leaves Me SMH

Coroner Leon Jones
Stop being a lapdog for bigots, racists, white supremacists, and white folk pretending not to be racist here in Macon. You are the Coroner of Macon not a historian of the civil war.  Stick with what you know.  You are right the Confederate Monument on Cotton Avenue isn't killing our black men, however, the person(s) the monument represents was complicit in the killing of black men and women.

Seeing that you are so knowledgeable, do you know whether the Confederate Monuments are causing the drug overdoses/opioid addictions of young white men and women (white on white drug crimes) in Macon/Nationwide or causing the number of rolling meth lab to increase in our city?  If so maybe you can pass on that same wisdom/knowledge to the public as you did for the recent shootings and killing that took place this weekend.  As I said, stick with what you know and stop trying to make a mockery of the black community we have enough pseudo/misdirected/deceptive//misleading/perceptions of our community from others.  We don't need it from one of our own.  Our young men and women need a hand-up, not to be looked down on.  Just as the community is coming together to help young white men and women with their addictions/drug problems, there should be the same amount of energy/resources put into helping our young black men and women.  Death is death....who knows that better than you.

To "The Telegraph " I have one request of your journalist when reporting crime in the black community or just reporting in general, and that is use journalistic integrity...........not a veneer of journalistic integrity. Sometimes it is best to use your own discretion in repeating/printing/reporting "STUPID STATEMENTS".

My heartfelt condolences goes out to the families of the injured and family of the young black man who died. "BLM", too.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Some Macon -Bibb County,GA Commissioners Toe the Line for DNC - Democratic Playbook- Macon GA....Leaves Me SMH

We Can Fight for Equality and
Dignity -Relocate Confederate Statues
At the top of my blog page if you haven’t notice I have in quotes “My Truth”.  Not your truth, not Trump’s Truth, not Macon-Bibb County Commissioners Truth, not Reichert’s truth, but My Truth.  That is to say I write this blog with  my perception in mind……everyone has their own perception of things based primarily on what they’ve experience. That said, let me tell you what I see is being played out in the halls of the Macon’s city government building in reference to our politicians and confederate statues. When they ran for election we were “promised” they would have our backs.   I didn’t know that meant “they would stab us in the back” and/or have our backs sometime. Which reminds me of a past experience I would like to share; when I was being stabbed in the back by a fellow black co-worker years ago.  I was brought into my racist employer office to explain long distance phone calls on my workplace telephone..  These phone calls were made to my co-worker’s (my supervisor) husband, mind you my supervisor.  However, I would talk to him also and call him at her request.  So I could not deny I made the phone calls.  Long story short, my co-worker last words to me when I walked out of the office dumbfound at what had taken place were “things aren’t always what you perceive them to be”. I wasn't fired, but a valuable lesson learned.

I was amazed that some commissioners saw the relocation of confederate statues as a low priority issue on their busy to do list for the people who put them in office.  Why some politicians give the impression, I’ve fulfilled my responsibility as an elected official yesterday and today it’s all about me or it is not a part of the Democratic Party’s playbook for the upcoming elections, so I ain’t touching it.  The statement the majority of Macon’s Democratic Commissioner expressed comes directly from the playbook of the Democratic Party (DNC).  Things are not what they are perceived to be.  I was extremely perplex when I heard most Democratic Commissioners say it was not a priority until I came across this article.  I would advise anyone who’s sick of listening to mainstreams media slanted and bias view to subscribe to this blog.

Folks, slavery has not left us, today we still have some blacks who will sell you out for the master.  My truth, they play switch and bait with our lives, they bargain to get their own interest met, if the master says we’ve  done all we’re going to do for the black community, or this issue is not going to get us/you elected, they say yes sir master.  If they notice that their opponent is getting rewarded for (KICK-BACKS) turning his back on the black community and stabbing the black community in the back, then they want some of that.  How can any black person open their mouths, with all of the racial divisiveness going on in the world today and say “I want to” (I want to focus on gangs in our community, I want to focus on unemployment, I want to focus on other parks, statues, and museum, I want to toe the line for my party(hidden agenda), aren’t we all in this together.  As people we stand together and know that strength is in numbers, not selling-out. 

People who’ve been dismissed since their ancestors stepped foot on the Indian’s soil would hope their district’s commissioner understood there is no greater priority than fighting for their equal rights….haven’t you heard of multi-tasking.  Can't you look around in your district and see the economic disparities? Commissioners if you want to make a difference in your constituents lives (I would hope) and earn that vote then show them that you bow down to no one, and all of your constituents priorities are your priorities, and that you are the master of your own destiny.

I’m forever, taken aback that people who are trying to play people for fools (both sides), don’t understand that someone in the crowd, if not everyone, understand the shell game you play. Former Mayor C. Jack Ellis, whatever you may say/think about him isn’t the politician you need to be concerned about, in my opinion.  You know what he’s about and that he will fight for the equal rights of all.  I will say this, every black activist/freedom fighter I know/knew of was not embraced by racist and pretending not to be racist white people, and politician pretending to represent your interest.  C. Jack Ellis is indeed Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom……..he will defy racism and will not back down.  Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom isn’t what you’ve been led to believe, however, todays modern day Uncle Tom is a sellout and what some have  been led to believe..

I’m not compromising my self-worth, self-esteem, and/or values and principle to take a back seat, to be spat on,  to be afraid to look in the face of whites, to accept his-story (confederate soldiers history), to afford some white folk a modern day LYNCHING.  As I said before I’m through talking and in this case…..I’m finish cowering to the master and/or allowing some white people to determine what’s important to people of color and/or what issues take priority….you don’t know (clueless) what being black is like as I don’t know what white privilege is like.   Today’s wannabe slave master hasn’t change as by the comments on facebook pages, The Telegraph’s commenters,/posters, and the statement written below by a citizen of Middle Georgia in reference to Macon's confederate statues.....its just a different time.

McCall Jay Tear it all down. Show us all that law and due process no longer stands. Show us that voting and comprising doesn't do shit. And then watch as your true citizens take arms, join state militias, and shoot these bastards on sight for their lawlessness. We The People are telling you to respect property that isn't yours or be shot. You are nothing more than a looter.

We can never be so distracted by shining objects (political showboating and grandiosity) that we keep our  minds off of what  matters …….racism, bigotry, and hatred.

Black folk and people of like mind, it’s time we organize and become a force to be reckon with in Macon, GA.  WE need to start building capital in order to gain leverage. Times and people have changed and that’s why some of us believe those statues in the public square must be relocated not today, but yesterday. 

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The (Macon)Telegraph's Offensive Poster Takes Offense to Bishop's Comments at Rally....Leaves me SMH

Poster's comment:
African Methodist Ministers and Former Mayor C. Jack Ellis

"I take Jackson's comments as offensive, to say that these monuments were built as hateful symbols of racial repression. Not so, from my reading of the history. Just look at the monuments. They honor people, and don't denigrate anyone. True, they don't honor African Americans, but that might warrant more monuments, not less. On the other hand, Ellis's comments are measured. He's talking about suitable placement and protection of these fine monuments, and he's been talking about this for a long time, so he's just using this occasion to try to push his longstanding argument. Ellis has a defensible, understandable position. Jackson's comments, on the other hand, are inappropriate, and should be rejected by scholars as anti-historical, and by politicians as inflammatory and divisive."

"Let me add one other factoid. When mayor, Ellis rescued the Baconsfield Park stone that quoted Senator Bacon's gift of Baconsfield Park (to white women and children). It was under the kudzu, deep in the woods of Shirley Hills. Ellis saved it for the Tubman. It was mildly annoying to me, because I used to have fun having my Con Law students do a field trip to read the devise in stone that was the occasion for the famous Supreme Court case, Evans v. Newton out of Macon, that appears in the leading Con Law casebook by Erwin Chemerinsky. Ellis is no hater of history. He seems genuine in wanting a fair and open interpretation of the history that is ours, though he wants the whole history to be told. OCGA 50-3-1 gives our officials the flexibility to find the best way locally to do that. We need to think about what might work best. Moving the statues is one possibility, but another possibility, suggested by a very smart collleague of mine, is to build more statues and leave them all up to spar with our minds on a daily basis. I like that idea better."

 I'm Offended:

I am familiar with this poster (Attorney Dave Oedel) and had read other internet post he'd written.  Initially, I had thought him to be unbias, however as I began to read more of his statements and other’s statements about him one thing became clear............he was  a lawyer and wannabe politician.  His post above in The Telegraph, really caught my attention because it ringed eerily familiar to 45’s both side.   Which made me come to one conclusion he “play both sides” in hopes to gain.  Gain, what I don’t know, but I’m sure at a later day it will be exposed.

In my humble opinion any man or woman who is not black who feels comfortable using the word “ni**er in a student lecture or otherwise, have friends who defend him, and a little annoyed that Senator Bacon’s racist plaque was removed offends me.    

As he will never be able to justify the use of the word ni**er ………… he will never be able to convince me there are two sides to defend confederate statues/ monuments  existence in the public square.  I believe Bishop Jackson's statement was accurate/correct.  The statues were /are a symbol of hate for anyone who truly understand racism. One thing some white people haven’t grasped about blacks, we know when we’re being lied to and we know(have known) hatred when we see it, in its many forms .  
I disagree with his description of his colleague (very smart) and his agreement with colleague suggestion, but that’s his opinion…like “behinds” everyone has one. I disagree with his comment Bishop Jackson’s comments were inappropriate, and should be rejected by scholars, and yada, yada, yada.  Macon has few scholars and I doubt if they read The Telegraph's bias stories and pretending not to be racist, poster's comments.  The politicians in Macon have more pressing issues to deal with (haven't he heard?) and inflammatory and divisive (Confederate Statues) issues doesn't fit the bill. 

I take offense to confederate monuments/statues, I take offense to some white folk in your face disrespect for people of color,  and I take offense to white people using the word ni**er……..from my reading of history.  Do you think anybody cares what I take offense to, the answer is no, but anyone with a shred of decency do care about “doing the right thing”.   Some, not all, white folks have blatantly shown a disrespect for black folks from the first time our ancestor stepped on Indian's soil and it continues, right to this very day.  When he referred to Bishop Jackson as Jackson his statements/opinion /post lost all credibility with me.  It is said, when a person shows you who they are the first time believe him/her.  He showed me he has no respect for people of color........ as did most(if not all) pretending to be not racist commenters/posters on this story.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Some White Folks in Macon, GA Distort History /Reality to fit their own Agenda …… Macon, GA Leaves me SMH

Former Mayor of Macon C. Jack Ellis

As usual I’m taken aback by some of The Telegraphs commenters post (postremoved from telegraph’s story)…..not so much that they said it, but The Telegraph prints these post.  Some of the posters in this story and The Telegraph’s facebook page appear to threaten, intimidate, insult and denigrate people of color for wanting to be free……….free to speak, free to rally, free to denounce white supremacy/bigotry/racism, free to have a say in government decisions (laws governing confederate statues), free to protest, and free to have their voices heard.   They seem to have resorted to the tactics of their confederate ancestors in silencing people who do not agree with or accept their reasoning why things should remain the same.  They have the audacity to be angry and insulted, they have the audacity to try and instill fear and/or shame, and the audacity to marginalized people of color contributions to the growth of this city (black consumers/America’s biggest spenders), and above all dictate who's relevant in this city and who's not/who can  stay and who has to go.  That's one of the main reason your confederate statue/s need to be removed and "PUT IN THEIR PLACE"....they give you a false sense of power/control.  Makes you think you have power you actually don't have over people.

Crime in this city is always people of color cross to bear, or just crime in general in their twisted minds.   They distort words, events, statistics, and history to their advantage. They speak of black on black crimes but say nothing of white on white crimes as evident in commenters section of the Macon Telegraph.    The drug epidemic of whites is a prime example.  When blacks used drugs they were/are locked-up, however, now that it’s become a white problem here in Macon and surrounding areas they are coddle and offered treatment.  All of the racist commenters embellish and make up facts to rationalize their disdain for people of color.   The old tricks your ancestor/s used to oppress slaves no longer mesmerize us and/or faze us….we see you and your statement/s for who and what you really are, and are no longer deceived / easily bamboozled/afraid.  We know the heinous crimes you commit behind closed doors (violent rapes) that are rarely reported until years later…….as well as those committed in the case of our black ancestor/s.


Listen, you will no longer define our people: what we say, who says it, when it is said, why it is said, and how it is said.  Being clueless and/or conveniently faking amnesia is no longer an option….you have your own cross to bear.  You will not define us.  

Former Mayor C. Jack Ellis isn’t going to stop advocating for the rights and equality of all people…… you expect of 45, Mayor Reichert, Commissioner Mallory Jones not to stop advocating for a few people.



Friday, August 18, 2017

Moral Compass............Confederate Statues Removal/Macon-Bibb County GA Commissioners and Mayor Leaves Me SMH.

The Telegraphs story regarding the removal of  Macon's in your face confederate statues give its citizens a bird's eye view of the stupidity that looms in the halls of city government.  If you don't stand for something, then you will fall for anything.  There are five commissioners and the mayor who've shown in my opinion they are spineless, racist, self-absorbed, lack character, self-serving, on the wrong side of history, and cowards on issues that address inequality and people of color...........forty-five's mini mes.

Statue in downtown Macon's center square
It saddens and baffles me to see the majority of Americans/Maconites get sucked into a mindset that they are  equally, one-third, one -half as responsible for the racial divide the blatant/in your face white supremacist/racist are.  The people who oppose racism, bigotry, inequalities, are open to looking at the alt-right arguments as a grey area.  There are no grey areas when it comes to believing that all men are created equal.  We can not compromise on human rights and dignity.  The alt-left terminology has become apart of mainstream America vernacular....... we can not breath air into these hate mongers justification/rationalization/terminology.  You are giving them a platform to continue the divide.  An irrational and derange "forty-five" coined the term alt-left, and we must denounce it.

There is a false-support being demonstrated/spreaded by some people to validate they are not racist and/or support discrimination, bigotry, and racism.  History has shown that accepting the crumbs from the table is not an option.  This false-support allows racism, bigotry, hatred to exist in an unassuming, inconspicuous, and deceiving way and magnifies its existence.  Above all it contributes to the prolong suffering; economically, socially, and psychologically growth of human- mankind.

Rebuttal to The Telegraphs Commenter and Macon-Bibb County Commissioners/Mayor on the Removal of Confederate Statues in Macon, GA:

David L. Blackmon ·
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University -This Telegraph's commenter on this story says:

Good for them, we have more important issues than to worry about statues and old monuments. These statues and monuments have been in place for years and now all of a sudden they are a problem. If you don't want to see these monuments then don't visit them, these were some of greatest men and women of their time. I'm an Air Force vet and I served under some Commander in Chiefs that I disagreed with , however it wasn't about them it was about this country. They need to bring back the draft so we can teach these young men and women some patriotism. The enemy don't care what color you are, all they know is that you are an American and they want to kill you. We have armed conflicts around the world and we're fighting amongst ourselves at home. If you want fight, join the military and go to some of these hotspots around the world, and give our troops a break. Some of these people have too much time on their hand.

Just Saying:  David we do not have a choice to visit or not visit these confederate statues.  Your ancestor/s in most cases erected them in the heart of southern cities as a daily reminder of white supremacy and for ni**ers to stay in their place.  Our young men do not have to fight wars to learn can be shown in their cities and towns by removing these statues and placing them in not so conspicuous places (confederate cementary/museums) and knowing that they are equal to any and all men.  The only people that need a break, in my opinion, are people of color.  A break from the constant denigration, racism, bigotry, criticism and hatred on a daily basis. Your president has double down/ triple down/quadruple down on his obvious hate for people who do not look like him, their culture, their humanity.  Forty- five has demonstrated he has no moral compass and/or conscience.  Your silence is heard loud and clear.  You fool no one.

Gary Bechtel: "It's a distraction. There're better things we need to focus on that will have more of an impact on the county. I can't see this coming up in the agenda."

Just Saying:  Be glad that your constituents are of like mind, because in my mind you are a distraction and need to be removed from representing the people of Macon-Bibb County.  What better thing to do than to ensure that everyone genuinely believe and it is demonstrated that they are an asset to the city in which they live.

Larry Schlesinger: "Right now, we are looking into the legality of actually doing that. There's a state law that may supersede the local law. We've got to find out about that before we can do anything."

Just Saying: When I grow up I want to be exactly like you.  Your astuteness has made a difference in bringing calm to and otherwise chaotic city-county government.

Elaine Lucas: "I'm not advocating the removal of anything in place now. That would be counterproductive." Lucas said she wants to work on more positive things, something like erecting a Martin Luther King Jr. statue in a prominent place in the downtown area.

Just Saying: Ms. Lucas,  I have the utmost respect for you and your fight for equality, are you sure counterproductive is what you meant?  I hope not, because freedom from oppression is never counterproductive and place on the back burner.  People of color are still being oppressed and deprived of their rights to be treated equal.  Whats in place now, in my opinion, is an eyesore and needs to be removed.

Mallory Jones: When asked for his position, Jones said, "No comment."

Just Saying:  CYA, Trumps' mini-me

Bert Bivins: "I'm not interested in getting into that. I'm not fighting anyone who wants to take them down. It's unnecessary and may hurt what we've already accomplished with civil rights."

Just Saying:  Extremely disappointed in your statement as one who represent my district.   The civil rights movement didn't end when you made a stand against discrimination and begin and will continue until the second paragraph in the Declaration of Independence is fulfilled and comes natural to all men and not given a second thought.

Joe Allen: " ... State law will probably prohibit the statues being torn down." Allen said he'd go to federal court to stop the removal of them, "because it's not right for someone to step on and infringe on someone else privilege or someone else's ideas," he said. "That's like someone saying 'tear the Tubman down because it's a museum.' I would stand just as strongly for the Tubman, The Douglas as I would for these here."

Just Saying:  And that you should (stand strong), because the artifacts and memorabilia in those buildings signifies struggles of slavery/slaves and the many who die so that others can be free.  Your misguided pride for confederate memorial statues dismiss the real history behind the erection of those statues, which was to secede from the union and keep slavery relevant.  Yes, you are right some whites think as you do and have made it damn near impossible to remove those statues............ they may not come down in my lifetime, but I believe and have faith in humanity enough to know, that one day they will be "put in their place".

Scotty Shepherd: "It's a lot of hoop-de-doo over nothing. It's been there so long, now they're making a lot of noise about it. Why? They're making something out of nothing."

Just Saying:  The fact that you use the words "hoop-de-doo" speaks volumes to your ignorance of history, which makes your overall statement a non-factor.  That your intent is to remain in the past and would prefer the treatment of people of  color to remain in the past speaks volumes.  Shame on you to marginalize the dignity of people of color.

Virgil Watkins: "Honestly (the statues), they don't fill my heart with joy. As far as I'm concerned, the statues only stand for racism and slavery. There's being research done about a state law that preempts the local law and may prohibit us from doing anything. ... it's offensive to a large number of the community who want it gone."

Just Saying:  " A person who knows history and speaks honestly about the meaning of confederate statues and truly represents his constituents.

Al Tillman: "My focus is to help reduce gun and gang violence. Those monuments have not deterred me from reaching my goals in life."

Just Saying: " Commissioner Al Tillman allow me to be the first to remind you, as an elected official your first duty is to the people who put you in office, the removal of confederate monuments is not about you and your accomplishment, but the citizens you serve and future generations.  You want to stay focus on other issues.........stay focus on equality for all, not just for you.  Jeez. "

Mayor Robert Reichert didn't respond to requests for comment. On Monday, however, Reichert said he hasn't "given the issue much consideration."

Just Saying: The following statement was once utter by our mayor when ask about  Macon's confederate statues: "These memorials are to the individual soldiers, their effort and gallantry, courage and heroism, etc," Reichert said. "And to the women and children. There's a monument here at the top of Poplar Street to the women and children who endured so much.

G-A-L-L-A-N-T-R-Y, gallantry Mayor Reichert would be you stepping-up and removing confederate statues in our city as other brave and courageous mayors have done in their cities. Enduring so much, again I need to ask you, are you serious?

Also:  Reichert says he views the monument as a memorial to courage and patriotism on both sides of the Civil War.  If it sounds familiar, similar words were express by Trump about both sides in Charlottesville, VA..................just saying. (Source: AP/July 01, 2015)

Macon-Bibb County Commissioners there's no more important issue than human rights and dignity.  And if you morons do not have the time and/or desire to address your constituents everyday concerns, let me suggest that you pretend you care and assigned those insignificant concerns  to citizens who do care .....just saying.

I quote: The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Smarter Heads Prevail........Get A Clue/Rosa Parks Square's Alcohol Ban Compromise
Commissioner Schlesinger brilliant argument being stated to the citizens
Commissioner Joe Allen, no one who understands Alabama's history should even fathom using that state or its cities (Montgomery) as an example and/or following their lead when it involves the struggles and respect of Black people in a community.  You and Commissioner Jones are on the wrong side of history and mental states remain buried in the past.   Just saying.

Thanks Mayor Reichert and Commissioner Schlesinger for seeing the whole picture,  thank you Commissioner Lucas for being you, and the other Commissioners who understood the message behind this issue,  and last but not at all least Former Mayor C. Jack Ellis for standing firm on issues that heal all wounds.

Looking forward to the day in my life time when people, instead of racist, voices are heard and respected.  We're not there yet, but it's moments like this and the people who are in power who can make it happen, does.............lets me know its reachable.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Commissioners Gary Bechtel and Mallory Jones-Rosa Parks Alcohol Ban Vote.........Do the Right Thing.

Mallory Jones - Trump's Mini-Me
Mallory Jones is a Republican, he represent district 4 (majority white constituency)in Macon, GA, and his internet footprint appears to mimic Just Tap’d and Jim Beall.

Gary Bechtel is a Republican (having voted in 20 Republican primaries without crossing party lines), he represents district 3  (majority white constituency) in Macon, GA, and his internet footprint appears to mimic Just Tap’d and Jim Beall, also.

Gary Betchtel - Also Votes Base

Both appear to vote their interest/base.........view their votes on issues that effects minorities, be it LGBT or blacks.

I don’t know, but there appears to be a hidden agenda and nothing to do with freedom and liberty and everything to do with suppressing a person freedom and liberty (Muslim Ban).  Trump’s Mini-Me (s)………………………just saying. 

It appears neither votes on facts, but base. The precedent you two are setting sends a sinister message to the black community.  Can you say U-R-B-A-N Core or M-A-P? Anybody who thinks this issue hasn't been resolved is stuck on stupid.

And in conclusion:

Oh, Commissioner Jones this I am about to say is not relevant to Rosa Parks Alcohol Ban, but I feel it needs to be said.  The Director and her assistant at Macon-Animal Welfare needs supervision and being assigned to the Sheriff Department, I believe can only help them with their "people skills".  I know you disagree and I have read your opinions (they're doing a terrific job) on this issue.  I have experience how vicious both can be and you being their boss don't see that side.   I, as a tax paying citizen, who didn't vote for you, is beginning to question your judgement in making sound decisions that effect "other people".  Maybe it is relevant.....just saying.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Two Truths Told from Different Perspective and the Rosa Parks Square Beer Festival Debate Goes On

Keep talking

Rosa Parks Square
There was a standing room only crowd at Government Center (former City Hall) Wednesday night. Opinions about a proposal to ban alcohol consumption in Rosa Parks Square were voiced. An intense level of emotion was palpable. And Macon’s No. 1 problem was evident.

Glancing around at those concerned faces, old and young, I was transported back to the ‘50s. I asked myself, “is that balding old black guy the fellow who removed his hat, stepped off the sidewalk into Cherry Street and bowed his head as my mom and I walked from Thorpe’s to Davison’s department store? And that wrinkled black lady behind him — did I see her get on the Bellvue bus, holding her head high, walk past the stern-faced whites and take a seat in the rear?”

Some of the African-Americans rose to address the crowd, passionately arguing that alcohol consumption near Rosa’s memorial dishonored that lady and her courageous deed. They spoke with emotion that bore witness to a lifetime of living with disrespect and disdain. Had I lived my life in their shoes I’d have felt the same.

My head rotated and I studied the faces of the mostly younger and definitely more prosperous looking whites. Almost unanimously, they spoke to the assembly about protecting their downtown investments and promoting that area’s revitalization. They opposed the alcohol ban, arguing that their business enterprises, which sell alcoholic beverages, will help bring blacks and whites together. I felt no disagreement with that view. Time will tell whether or not it’s accurate.

Our common problem — a racial/socio-economic-status divide — was on full display. Yet as I walked home I felt a bit optimistic. We sat together, listened to and exchanged views with one another. Blacks aired a genuine, deeply felt and valid grievance. And whites listened and responded with equally genuine sensitivity. By talking about this issue, we took a small, important step forward. Let’s keep talking.

Mike Ryan,


Read more here:

I am Through Talking

An eloquently written letter about Just Tap'd Craft Beer Festival in Rosa Parks Square’s debate at City Hall in The Telegraph's opinion column.  The writer seem to genuinely believe there is a solution to Macon’s racial divide.  However, I don’t share his optimism, “ continuing talks”, will resolve the racial divide or his assessment and/or description of the people in the room. Which by the end of this blog some will understand others will not.

Prominent Black Activist/Former Mayor - C. Jack Ellis
Going back to the 50’s and remembering my personal experiences and the disdain and disrespect blacks tolerated on a daily bases has not changed.  One of my most memorable experiences of living in Macon during the fifties and perusing the crowd of white people left me wondering also, wondering whether one of those old wrinkle white men in the crowd who spoke was in the car full of white boys or the boy’s son that spit on my mother as we walked across the street on Broadway.  She was crossing the street going to work for a mere pittance to support four children.  Doing the work of three and getting paid for one.  Looking at the whites in the crowd I reminisced, was the old white lady sitting there, the person who disrespected my mother by refusing to serve her (once again devaluing a human being because of the color of their skin) at the local McDonald's. 

That was then, today (now) I’m more prosperous than some of the whites living in my community and I experience discrimination on a daily bases.  Wanting as the business owners of Macon, revitalization of my neighborhood and being dismissed by City County government and some whites who live and work in the community.  The difference is I respect their right to make decisions about their property (rent or own) as long as it doesn’t spill over on my property.  Who rightfully can claim ownership to Rosa Parks Square is questionable (we all pay taxes), but the investment is not in the revitalization, but the legacy and what that legacy represent for visitors of Rosa Parks Square and the woman behind the legacy.  To me the legacy exemplifies a struggle to be valued, respected, and listen to, then and now. I'm

Let me fully disclose, I didn’t attend the gathering. I watched the video feed from the local newspaper website.  I have been to City Hall to have what I thought was hands down an issue that required no extraordinary strain (that involved a white person) on the brain to resolve.  Absolutely nothing was done, until I requested an “open records report”.  I know the game people there play when a black person ask for assistance.  They immediately assume as did this writer (and I think I understand why) another emotional black person who has nothing financial or intellectually to bring to the table and assumed most definitely that whites are more socially economically endowed and more intelligent and have everything to bring to the table.

Just Tap'd Craft Beer Festival
He fell for the okey-doke, by assuming, they are young and prosperous and were protecting their investment and promoting downtown revitalization.  I call, hogwash, this is no more than a skillfully orchestrated ploy to continue the disrespect and disdain he so appear to understand.  Mike, I can appreciate your optimism, but unless you experience (walk a mile in my shoes) then and now the disdain and disrespect you don’t understand and I want play on your intelligence by saying I understand white people train of thought.  What’s rooted in the black community is an old adage that says “action speaks louder than words”.  Personally, I’m through talking to people who my words fall on deaf ears.   Everything happening in American today says no matter how much money you have, some whites will see you as less than and not worthy of “listening to” (it hasn’t changed) and those are the people who I saw in the crowd at the Government Center.  I no longer value myself on how others define me (not worthy or respected) and easily bamboozled.  I am through talking, let me repeat, finish, no more, through talking.  And if I might add anyone who thinks this is a conversation that needs to be continued is living in the past, ‘50’s to be more exact.

Mike, I admire and applaud your optimism, however, we’re looking through different rose color glasses and have different experiences and perspectives, then and now, a common problem on full silientdlcomes ofgns of eservedwhat activities will take with Blacks

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Ignorance Is NOT Bliss/Rosa Parks Square Beer Festival/Just Tap’d

Rosa Parks Square
Jim Beall, shame on you for such an ignorant, insensitive, arrogant argument, to continue the blatant disrespect of the black community. Civil disobedience has nothing to do with your distorted argument/irony, rationalization and/or one is being disrespected by others in wanting a respectful, undesecrated, and drug-free park to honor one of America's civil rights icons, however, the opposite is the case based on your argument (irony) appears to me, stupidity for you and others to ignore/minimize/rationalize/continue drinking beer in Rosa Parks Square and blatant (in your face) disrespect, and the audacity to see it  as "civil disobedience".  It speaks volumes to how white privilege has a deafening and blind effect on some people.

Hargrove Black Civil Rights Activist/Check out Reichert's interest
From my vantage point this is no more than a good ole boy move, cronyism, racism, and segregation at its best.  It is no coincident that Just Tap’d is cross the street from Rosa Park Square and would be convenient/accommodating for the patrons, good ole boys, and owners.  Do you have an interest in (personal or otherwise) Just Tap’d (Jeff Kressin-owner)?  Your argument smells of special interest, and it’s a smell that Macon can do without.   The web has made it possible for all things done in the dark to be illuminated.  You and your good ole boys have a web footprint which allows others to ascertain your “real motives”.  Nothing about pictures obtain from the web of Just Tap’d says all inclusive.' 

If you believe continuing to drink in the park is a form of (your interpretation) civil disobedience, blacks in Macon should (since blacks are the architects of civil disobedience) send a message to Just Tap’d (Jeff Kressin-Proprietor) with peaceful protest; picketing, sit-ins, and in your face sit downs with one person buying one beer for the fifty to a hundred black people who will patronize the bar, demonstrating solidarity with peaceful protest every single day.  Just because some people don’t share the same objectives, skin color, goals, aspirations, financial stability, clout, and political power doesn’t mean they should be dismissed and especially when it offends….get a clue.

I do recall when young blacks wanted access to Tattnall Square Park and they were denied.  It appears the only people who voices matter when decisions about Macon are debated, specifically downtown Macon, are people of no color (whites).  It amazes me how some whites come together to hinder the progress of blacks.  And on the other hand denigrate blacks for not being involved in their community, other than to destroy those communities.  It appears some people will always find a reason to hinder black’s endeavors and diminish their successes.

Jeff Kressin, Owner of Just Tap'd/Check out Reichert's interest in what is being said.
Drinking beer in Rosa Parks Square has nothing to do with the economics of downtown Macon and everything to do with Blacks not being allow to make decisions about what issues are important and should be respected/preserved, and what and who has input in the growth/development of Macon GA. The majority of the parks in Macon Georgia has the input of white folks; what it is, what it will be, and what activities will take place.  This city will not become better with the input of a few whites, but input from all.

Downtown/Newtown Macon has no real signs that blacks input is welcome or that downtown power brokers are interested in what blacks’ have to say.  This should come as no surprise to anyone.  Take a closer look at businesses that dominate downtown Macon…………lofts, bars, breweries, Just tap’d, etc. Trying to adopt other cities urban plans and not developing their progressive attitudes spells disaster. City-County government and their allies appear to promote/encourage the Jim Beall's of Macon ridiculous/ludicrous interpretation of civil disobedience by being silent and/or non - committal on issues that exclude black folks.  It appears to be the role Commissioner Al Tillman has taken.  In my opinion Commissioner Al Tillman, you are on the wrong side of history and the tracks, and no one is fooled by your indecisiveness (passing the buck). You can end this blatant exclusions of blacks in the development of downtown and other areas in Macon (gentrification).  If I’m not mistaken those were the goals of ISSUU for everyone to play a part in the development of downtown Macon.   Your debut on the political scene more than demonstrated the type of commissioner you would be……….two questionable addresses and now, once elected, appears to be two-faced.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Confederate Monuments in Downtown Macon, GA..........leaves me SMH

It appear  13WMAZ -TV may have been selective in obtaining opinions.   All clueless participants appear to have a vested interest (in my opinion)  in keeping 'Macon White Again".  I am forever baffle at black folk go along to get along opinions/attitudes toward racist history reminders.  I can see why white folk encourages business as usual, but blacks have no rewards, benefits, gains, etc. for keeping the racist connotation /implications in the forefront.

And what is the obsession some white folks in this city have with Mayor C. Jack Ellis's opinions, activism, and  drive.  It appears some people would like him to be a non - factor in the growth and development of Macon, GA.  Well listen up,  he (we) will not take a back seat, again, consider you his master of destiny, again,   and accept your version of how black's will behave/think in this town, again.  This city belongs to all of us and everyone has a right to participate and have their opinions.  You may not like what he says, but he has a right to say it,  and he is coming from a perspective you do not understand.  This rant alone is all the more reason we do not, I repeat, we do not need reminders (confederate monuments) of how things were,  focus more on how to make everyone opinions count.

Black's historical monuments (schools, churches, neighborhoods, homes) are being destroyed/permanently removed, or moved at an alarming rate in this town to make way for progress.  Tear down/remove/move to a museum these confederate monuments to make way for progress.  These confederate monuments are only reminders of the separation of races that is prevalent today as when they were erected.  Just saying............another perspective/opinion.

Monday, May 1, 2017

What Not To Do In Macon GA….Macon GA leaves me SMH


This is Macon, GA at its worst.   This display of embolden privilege is the "white man's" comparative estimate of "thug/s" in the public my opinion.  One commenter of The Macon Telegraph's article stated get rid of everything associated with the “war of the states”, sarcastically.    I think that is an excellent idea.  Jews do not want to be reminded of the atrocities inflicted upon them and the perpetrators of those atrocities (Hitler) and neither does blacks want reminders of their ancestor historical atrocities.   Let historical museums tell the story rather than flaunting on any given day the white man’s comparative equivalent of the holocaust in the city's square.  Yes, the holocaust, because that historical event shares the same if not identical motives and intend as slavery and that in my opinion was to destroy a race of people. 

The event is history (his story - your story), but be sensitive and compassionate enough to share it with those who would like to hear it, and display that history,(preferably in a museum) where people who do not agree with your story (his-story) of what took place a choice to see it or not and to hear it or not.

Macon GA you have demonstrated (as many times before) by allowing the Beer Festival in Rosa Parks Square and The Confederate Memorial Day Event to take place in prominent spots in downtown Macon things not to do in Macon, GA and how racially insensitive, divided, self-absorbed, and pompous this city is…….get a clue?