Sunday, November 27, 2016

Words Matter.............President Elect Donald Trump

When a person shows you who they are the first time, believe it.   Some people are trying to put a spin on Donald Trump the candidate and Donald Trump the president.  A leopard doesn’t change its spot.  Donald Trump is going to be the president he told you he would be and no amount of diplomacy is going to change that fact.

He’s brought the closet racist/s out in the open.  Instead of begrudging and/or fighting what you already knew…….embrace it.  You now know who your enemies are, rather than being in the dark and speculating.  You can better fight a seen opponent, oppressor, and racist, than one who’s hiding.  Donald has given you a gift of knowledge and awareness.  Don’t reject it and lose the element of surprise and the element of being prepare for whatever the adversity will be in the future.  Because there will be more than you have ever encountered in the past.  You are now better equipped to deal with those adversities……….they are embolden and showing you who they are in their words (The Telegraph’s Opinion Page Commenters) and actions (Macon – Bibb Government’s Apathy).  Use this election of Donald Trump to your advantage and start making a difference in Macon, GA and nationwide.

There is only one person who can save you from this mess you got yourself in, it’s not a congressman, the liberal media, a senator, ACLU attorney, NAACP representative, a Supreme Court judge, and it’s Y-O-U.
Maconities you have allowed certain politicians, in my opinion, such as Commissioner Tillman to play both sides of the fence for their own political gain.  These politicians don’t have your best interest in mind.  The way you can stop these self-serving political cronies from contributing to the demise of people of color and carrying out Trump’s agenda is to not compromise your own personal principles.  Principles of equality for all, honesty, respect for all people, etc.  My prediction as with all wolves in sheep clothing he will be exposed for the racist/self-serving individual he is and so will Macon's political wolves.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Mayor Robert Reichert..........The Emperor Has No Clothes


Macon Georgia Mayor's LEGACY
Dave Oedel's comment has it sentiments exactly.  It doesn't matter how many pseudo awards you give out, as long as Macon, GA continues to separate the haves and have nots, separate one side of town from another, and the inequitable distribution of city/county equity (land) the public will see through the deception.  To say that downtown Macon is progressing is an illusion…..take a look at the storefront the man is standing in front of in The Telegraph’s snapshot.  It appears to be empty, as empty as the heads that made up the story.  Mayor Reichert (the emperor has no clothes) has a desire to make his legacy one of rebuilding Macon (specifically downtown), but he has failed miserably.  His failure is glaring on every street you walk on and every street corner you turn.  Macon is an eyesore and needs new leadership.  In my opinion, anyone who thinks Macon has progressed during the mayor’s tenure is not the solution to a better Macon, but the problem.

Isn’t it ironic how awards tend to always end up in the wrong hands………….just saying.  Mayor to choose one over another has never been a good idea, first grasp that concept before embarking upon a journey to make Macon better.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

A Newfound Respect for White Folk's Attitudes about Black Folk's Attitudes and Vice Versa

Your opinion of me

means absolutely nothing.

 I am difficult.

 I do have a big mouth.

I say it as I see it, extremely opinionated.

 If that intimidates or bothers

you I really don’t care.

I know who I am.

I have been through some shit

and I am still going through shit

Shit you know nothing about.

I am strong, confident, & independent!!

Black's & White's Attitudes

I live in the heart of a ghetto in Macon, Georgia.   Living in the ghetto is nothing new to me.  In fact I would not have it any other way.  These are my people, my upbringing, and my experiences in my sixty-five years of living.  I feel embraced, not safe, but embraced here.  

I was raised by a mother I saw as strong, confident, and independent.   She was a single parent raising four and at times six children.  We lived in mixed income (not low income) neighborhoods.   Mixed income neighborhoods you never hear about in the description of black neighborhoods, but that’s another story for another time.  My mother was a unique single parent, to me.  I had never known her not to work , even when her physical condition would have incapacitated a lesser woman.  You see, she was hit by a car when I was four years old crossing the street of a busy street (Vineville Ave) going to work.  And that accident darn near crippled her for the remainder of her life,  but  it did not cripple her desire for the better things in life.  There begins my journey developing a mindset of confidence and independence.   My  family,  growing up probably lived in every mixed neighborhood (mixed as in income not race) in Macon, GA.   Each move for us was a step up from where we lived previously.  Until my mother was finally able to be one of many blacks to move into a predominately white neighborhood.  Were we welcomed with open arms, absolutely not, the attitudes of our neighbors on both sides were so apparent and also verbalized to our faces.  I to this day admire my mother’s stamina, attitude, and strength.  It shaped me into who I am and what I hold near and dear, in friends, attitudes, people, family, neighbors……………….

She taught me not to think I was better than people but to strive for better and not to allow people or things define me.  So no matter where I live or resides (employment/public contact), I come in with the attitude to add to my environment in a positive way and to exceed the expectation with the thought in mind this is who I am.   Primarily based on how I was raised. She taught me no matter what side of the tracks and/or city you are from it’s what you bring to the table, not where you live.  Bottom line, improving on your situation, rather than bring it down. 

My experience has been that some of my people bring nothing to table and are angry with you when it is not acceptable,and form attitudes.  Mediocre is not acceptable from any race of people. 
My experience has been that some white folks receive more so they expect more from people and life.  On the contrary some black folks receive less so they expect less from people and life.  Thereby different experience, but understandably different attitudes.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Macon, GA Have No (Bragg)ing Rights.................Tricky Reich (ert)

What is it about the below picture that make somethings The Macon Telegraph and Ruse's story espouse to "FLAWED"?
First off Jeremy Timmerman, you work for The Macon Telegraph and Ruse, secondly, you are a professed sport’s writer, and third you’ve only been in this city for a short while.  As with most journalist for The Macon Telegraph and Ruse you are the problem not the solution, nor should be taken with any journalistic credibility and/or integrity. Another thing Jeremy you are a Mercer graduate, that which you should be proud, however, Mercer has divided/
pillage our city literally and figuratively with the help of good ole boys like yourself and city/county government.

Macon Georgia "Bragg Jam" Music Festival
The Macon Telegraph and News/The Telegraph has no journalistic integrity in my opinion.  Your paper, as is city government, are bought and paid for by Mercer’s elite. Do you really believe you can be objective and writing taken seriously in the assessment of a city that ranks one of the worst cities to live, in 2015  The reasons it was ranked the worst is because of  unemployment, substandard schools, crime, blight, and housing.  These negatives are associated with minorities in this city, who Macon has shown no interest in uplifting.  Everything in this city is controlled by the 1% ers, political cronies, and the good old boys, but yet Blacks are held totally responsible for its nationwide negative reputation and its shortcomings.  We (Blacks) are no means immune from the role played in acquiring this reputation. Blacks are the majority based on latest census reports, but wheels little, if any power.   We (Blacks and Whites), need to take a real look in the mirror to see whether we as people have bragging rights as well as whether Macon, GA has bragging rights. 

Unless and until we all share in the bounties and we all share the responsibility of   Macon, Georgia being all inclusive it will never be seen as an up and coming place to raise a family and/or to come to live.  The most glaring flaw (race relations) in Macon, GA was omitted in Timmerman's  story…….I wonder why?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Tale of Two Cities or Two Faces…..Macon, GA Criminals or More Alike than Not Alike

Erin Fountain
The recent arrest of tax commissioner’s employee proved how profoundly true the above statement rings true.  I’ve believed for a while that criminals and people in Macon, GA were more alike than unlike.  The major difference is in the perception of and description given by the Macon Telegraph and Ruse and Macon’s citizens posing as not racist.  The criminals with baggy pants, darker complexions, unemployed, carrying guns, and steals from the outside-in,  are considered “thugs” in the Macon Telegraph and Ruse and by some of the paper’s readers/commenters (posing as not racist), shrugs, and general public.  The criminals who are dressed professional casual, light complexions, employed, do not carry guns into the places they are robbing, and steals from in the inside-out are considered “suspects”.    Former Mayor C. Jack Ellis wrote an opinion of this exact observation that I have, but with tact and diplomacy.  You know, in this city you have to tread ever so lightly not to offend the powers that be (politician/s and the 1%ers, and not to wake the dead (low information and/or no information voters).

The only differences in crime and neighborhoods in Macon, GA are how they are looked at and reported.  Mayor C. Jack Ellis had open a discussion of the distinction on how the city of  Macon operated a few years back, but  people are set on deflecting the truth, so his opinion in the local paper  (shell game)  was not taken seriously.  Folks for years have orchestrated ingenuous shell games to steal land, money, a person self-worth, and power.  It is no different today and is happening in a more legal, disguised and sophisticated manner by people we looked up to.....  who are our elected politician/s, news media (The Macon Telegraph and Ruse) appointed officials, foundations, universities, law enforcement, etc.

 I’m of the belief by distinguishing one race of people from another continues the shell game.  I see this game played out on a daily bases in the city I live, and spoken of by friends and families, not just C. Jack Ellis.  Macon, GA’s elite/privilege/racist attitudes has not changed since slavery days, it’s just played on a grandeur level.  As people go on with their lives pretending they are a long ways from “separate but equal” days in Macon, GA, I say you are far from the dream Martin so eloquently spoke.  You are being judge daily in your neighborhoods, by your acts, by the color of your skin, what you wear, whether you have a job, and not by the deed (stealing is stealing) but how and who carries out the deed.

AS I’ve said before I don’t condoned the murders taking place  in my communities, nor do I condone the nationwide killings , but what I appall most are folks posing as not racist minimizing their role in criminal acts.  Showing two faces the ones behind closed doors and the one they put on in public, in this Tale of Two Cities, Macon, GA.



Monday, August 15, 2016

Mayor's Neighborhood Crime Fighting Gone Awry in Macon, GA

This is not your grandma times, Macon GA.  Today is a new time with different circumstances, different reactions, different upbringing, different everything.   I can only imagine Ms. Gibson-Council fear when approaching young people in a street meant for cars.  Children today practically dare a car to hit them when they are obviously in violation of the law.  Macon – Bibb City ordinance states young people are in violation when found playing in the street and/or impeding the natural flow of traffic.  

Most of you living in neighborhoods/communities today such as mines and Ms. Gibson – Council know what it’s like.  You have adults and their children who have no respect for themselves or others.  I’ve reference back in the day in “my truths” often, mainly, because of situations such as this taking place in today’s neighborhood/s.  I myself have dealt with similar circumstances, however, a supportive law enforcement precinct was able to eliminate a serious outcome, in the past.

I personally have call law enforcement so much based on what I believe is my right and fear for my safety…….it appears to me they are no longer interested in responding.  It has been my experience as with any city/county department if you utilize the service (what they believe is too much) you become the nuisance not the violators.  When you live in a neglected neighborhood such as mines there is no such thing as “too much”.  So you are caught between a rock and a hard place.  Which is, allow the violator to continue breaking the law and/or take matters into your own hands.  None of us know what precipitated this confrontation, but what I do believe is this sixty – seven year old lady feared for her life and believe this was her only choice.

I believe safety in neighborhoods such as mines is talked about too much (Mayor Reichert’s Proclamation – August 2, 2016) and not implemented enough.  Neighborhoods such as mines are being short changed.  We have minimum police protection (rarely patrolled, long response times, no community and officers relations, overworked deputies, understaffed precinct etc.) and safety.  Only a few months ago I could call my precinct and I received immediate response.  To give you an example, my precinct had a change in commanders and deputies, a changing of the guards.  I ask to speak with one of the new commanding officer (to establish rapport as with others in the past) and was told by him and his supervisor that he would meet with me.  Never happen, and upon my inquiry and requesting someone else be sent out, nothing happen.  It has been downhill every sense.  A neighbors told me they called the precinct and was told a deputy would come out and didn’t.  I’ve called and reported a minor violation and spoke with the sheriff and nothing happen, I was told by an officer, who I believe was told by his superior to not pursue what was an obvious violation of the law.  In his word, “let it go”.  Now, I ask you, what do you do and what would you do when those people who are sworn to protect and serve, do not?   Do you do as Ms. Gibson - Council did and take the law into your own hand or do you wait for law enforcement to respond?   I don’t have the answer it is definitely an individual decision based on that individual circumstances and resources.

Bottom line, I don’t know what I would have done, but I can tell you this, I’m not “mad at her” based on my experiences and today’s times.  Let's not forget Mayor Reichert did say, "crime fighting is all of our responsibility".

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Mayor of Macon GA Robert Reichert, Are You Serious ?????????????

Mayor for Some of the People
Let me start out by saying, I'm a spectator.  I'm not in the trenches, however, I'm an experience spectator.  That said, I know from firsthand experience what a night out with Mayor Robert Reichert can accomplish. Absolutely NOTHING.  And before his supporters get up in arms I did say this was my experience (my truth).  I question the timing and genuineness of what I believe to be a political publicity stunt.  People in the video appears to be an AARP group/Senior Citizens, not saying they should not be there, "just saying" that it is apparently staged. The mayor doesn't seem to understand, nor his political cronies, one night of hoodwink/bamboozled/staged caring cannot compensate for three hundred and sixty - three days  a year of neglect and misery.  It appears I'm not the only one whose not in the trenches.  Is it me or does it seem to you he only appears in those neighborhoods affiliated with Mercer, Knight Foundation, Mill Hill, New Town Macon with vigor, enthusiasm, and genuineness?

So he says fighting crime is everyone responsibility.  It appears to me it becomes everyone responsibility when it hits home and/or he needs to make a television appearance.  Crime has come to a neighborhood near him and/or his cohorts.  The diverse group of people in WMAZ - TV video more than likely (speculating) were ask to show –up.   Maybe not, but they don’t seem to be willing participants, to me.  The majority appear to be black which sent a message that crime only occurs in black neighborhoods (divisive hidden agenda).  I think crime in Macon Georgia is in all neighborhoods, it’s just spotlighted in some neighborhoods, as are some perpetrators of these crimes.

Mayor Robert Reichert, if you are serious about fighting crime and it is all our responsibility, produce action not words on a piece of paper (proclamation).  Put surveillance cameras in these neighborhoods where crime is prevalent.  Surveillance cameras have been effected  in apprehending suspects/criminals and preventing crime in communities/neighborhoods.  Organize people to truly participate in crime deterrents by training individuals to recognize people not adhering to the law, whether it is a felony and/or city ordinance, develop a system to report crime anonymously(using a similar if not an exact design as SeeClickfix as a model),  and contribute more of the splost money to neighborhoods that need it, not want it.  Mayor Reichert be a mayor for all the people, stop wrapping yourself in a cocoon (City Hall Meetings where citizens concerns are only shared one-way, night out where one person talks with you and you fake listening,  and staged community forums, gentrification of neighborhoods, ) be a mayor for all the people not a few and all the neighborhoods not a few.

Do you really think a meager twelve million dollars is going to eradicate blight in neighborhoods?  Yes I said eradicate, because that’s what’s needed, not a band-aide ($12, 000, 000.00). What will twelve million dollars buy in today’s hard hit economy?  What twelve million dollars purchased twelve years ago, will not today, when you factor in inflation. So Macon - Bibb County government is once again short changing us and our neighborhoods.   In Macon it will provide salaries for over paid and under worked city government officials, but it will not put a dent in Macon’s blight issues

The mayor stating, fighting crime being the responsibility of everybody has so many contradiction, on so many levels when you look at what he has done and what he is doing.  Stop giving people a false sense of security and start making safety a priority for Macon citizens in their/my neglected/deprived/blighted neighborhood/s.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Take/Taking A Leap of Faith in Macon, GA Deprived/Neglected Neighborhoods

Mr. Danny D. Glover has started a "Gofundme"  page for an area in South Macon that has an illegal dumping problem.  People in the community, according to news reports have ask the city for assistance with no positive outcome.   I do believe Mr. Glover is on to something, however, he cannot achieve his intended goals without the assistance of people like you and I.  Your contribution can accomplish several things for this South Macon community (1) let these people  know there are people  (if not the city government) that care (2) there are people listening to their concerns (3) give them a clean area to live, and(4) assist in the revitalization of Macon, GA's blighted neighborhoods/communities.   We can revitalize our communities and neighborhoods with spreading the word, contributing financially, and becoming involved (volunteer).   Mr. Glover is spending his time trying to make Macon's blighted communities/neighborhoods better, you can spend your money/time to show you are willing to have his back in such an admirable endeavor.
 I don’t know what dollar limit "Gofundme" will accept, but you can find out by starting with a dollar (if that’s what you have to give) with the hope someone else will match or exceed your contribution.  Folks it will all add up in the scheme of things, and allow Mr. Glover to focus on other areas of the community, city/county government has failed.   If your dollar is not accepted search out information for a contact #, P. O. Box, email address, whatever, to send what you can.
 CAN WE TALK?     Your contribution will definitely help someone you know, have known, or will know.  We do know the people Mr. Glover are assisting…directly or indirectly we know them.    You say I can’t and I say you can.  My mother would say, “The only thing that will beat failure is to try”.    Mr. Willie Womack is a prime example of that adage.   He is cleaning up his Bellevue neighborhood/community in spite of disabilities (recovering from a stroke).  I’m asking everyone who read this to use one of those dollars you spend on luxuries this week to start making a difference in Macon, Georgia’s deprived/neglected/blighted neighborhoods/communities as these men are doing.
The parents/grandparents of these two men appears to have left an indelible impression on them, that is missing from our communities/neighborhoods today and we need to get it back.  Our endeavors/goals need to be as our ancestors were, building not tearing down, leading by examples, setting goals/expectation high not low, accepting nothing but the best…..not settling, exceeding expectations, high maintenance instead of low maintenance (within your means), helping our fellow man/woman, and to always strive for the top, because the bottom is full. 

The Dumping Grounds (South Macon Neighborhood)
Clueless Maconites are so quick to say that some people are looking for handouts, that some people don’t want to give, they only want to take, and believe that some cannot produce good outcomes.  I say to all of those naysayers, put your money where your mouth is and give to what appears to be a worthy cause.  There are valuable resources available in the city of Macon…grant writers, funding researchers, and affluent people who have the means to make a difference, this young man can use your help.
If you have doubts (as I do) make a contribution anyway and give this young man a chance to prove you wrong (as I have).  In fact, I’m of the opinion it is only human and wise to question a person motives that you do not know, but if you don’t give you will only be able to think about the role you could have played in giving this community a “hand up”, when it succeeds……… matter how small ($1.00) or large (having the means) that role is, you’ve made a difference in someone life.   Mr. Glover has taken a leap of faith, now it’s up to us to be there to support him, catch him,  have his back., and too, take a leap of faith.But some more than others.  The latter thought will be/has been America's demise.  The time to prevent major tragedies is not after the fact it is before the fact.  We are equally complicit in these wrongs……….not some more than others.

A person's self-worth as a human-being is of(not should be, but is) equal value.  My solution to these tragedies is to begin to respect people as human beings (your equal)...not Black and White, Asian and Muslim,  American and European , Rich and Poor, Ghetto and Trailer Trash, Suburban and Westside or Eastside, etc.

Macon, Georgia City/County Government you have the opportunity to right wrongs, and learned from these tragedies.  Will you?  I doubt it, because you have a history, along with state government of divisive policies and treatment of people.  George Santayana, philosopher:  "Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them."   I don't believe policies and treatment made by Macon City-County Government are mistakes.  I believe they are strategically and ruthlessly planned.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Finally, Holding Macon - Bibb Animal Welfare and Pet Owners Accountable

Cats need to be addressed also...........Macon - Bibb County Georgia Animal Welfare.  Assistant County Attorney Crystal Jones said, "It's not a pretty subject, but it's one that we need to talk about."  While Macon - Bibb codes address the issue the problem arises in having  to "catch the people in the act or have citizens willing to testify in court that they witness the events."  And if I might add, that Macon - Bibb Animal Welfare enforces the ordinance.  Its been my experience, Macon - Bibb Animal Welfare's director and assistant director adamantly supports and defends the violator /offenders and penalize (threaten to press charges against me) the eyewitness.

I understand pet owners love their pets and treat them like family, however, I do not love your pet.  Some pet owners tend to rely on the lame excuse, "they got to go (poop) somewhere".  I agree , but clean-up behind your pet, not on my property,  and don't expect someone else to do it for you, it's your family member/pet not mines.  It's stupid someone has to be told  this and/or that an ordinance need to be in place, or that a citizen have to beg Macon-Bibb Animal Welfare to do their job. Jeeeeeeeeeeez.
Once again, Macon - Bibb County's Commissioner Lucas has taken the lead in addressing citizen's concerns based on real experience rather than perceived experiences.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mayor Robert Reichert, You Wanted This Job, Now Do Your Job,

Illegal Signs on Roadway
And require the same of your department heads.  You’ve been in your present job going on sixteen years.  In those sixteen years you’ve divided the city literally and figuratively.  It appears to me, you have allowed demarcation of this city and certain demographics to grow and flourish, other demographic to deteriorate and decompose, and Macon’s progress as a whole has fail miserably.   You have surpassed former Mayor C. Jack Ellis in being the most divisive Mayor (according to your supporters he is) in the history of Macon, Georgia, in my opinion.
SeeClickFix has exposed your priorities in the city/county and the incompetence of certain heads of departments that you personally handed pick.  And while I’m discussing your department heads, let’s not overlook their flippant attitudes when they are ask to fix and/or address an issue.   I ask the citizen and your constituents whom support you, why would a servant of the city/county’s citizens feel comfortable in flipping off a taxpaying citizens of Macon?   Is it because these supervisors understand the unspoken and spoken code in dealing with certain citizens who force you to be a Mayor to all citizens, not a few?
Crime is rampant in Macon, Georgia, I believe, because of this unspoken/clandestine attitude of do nothing city/county officials and citizens who give the Mayor a false comfort zone (KA).    If the small issues are dismissed, then anyone with half a brain can see the larger issues will be also, and they are.  Issues like....... SeeClickFix:  Issue ID # - 1010828, 2703177, 2691213, 2697877, 2697888, 2697856, 2704112, 2502965, 2656669, 1283205, 2986140 to name a few.  You want crime to be cleaned up in Macon, start by cleaning up and fixing the problems that are presented by its taxpaying citizens.  If not Macon declining reputation of being nasty and crime infested will persist.  You can put lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig (Newtown Macon, College Hill, Mercer University, etc.).

I don’t believe you even realize the harm you’re doing by dismissing law abiding citizens who are trying to make a difference and if you do and dismiss them anyway…shame on you.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

All Lives Matter...............But Some More Than Others

But some more than others.  The latter thought will be/has been America's demise.  The time to prevent major tragedies is not after the fact it is before the fact.  We are equally complicit in these wrongs……….not some more than others.

A person's self-worth as a human-being is of(not should be, but is) equal value.  My solution to these tragedies is to begin to respect people as human beings (your equal)...not Black and White, Asian and Muslim,  American and European , Rich and Poor, Ghetto and Trailer Park, Northside and Westside, Eastside, etc.

Macon-Bibb, Georgia City/County Government you have the opportunity to right wrongs, and learned from these tragedies.  Will you?  I doubt it, because you have a history, along with state government of divisive policies and treatment of people.  George Santayana, philosopher:  "Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them."   I don't believe policies and treatment made by Macon City-County Government are mistakes.  I believe they are strategically and ruthlessly planned.

Friday, July 8, 2016

4th July Fireworks in MY Neighborhood (Macon, Georgia/West Macon)......

Was a pleasant experience.  The neighborhood had minimal firework activities.  My neighbors are becoming respectful of each other, however, there are those stragglers lagging behind that continue to not respect the neighborhood or the people whom live there.  But the majority, as I‘ve said, many times care about the neighborhood and would like for our attitudes and behaviors to reflect such.

Some Maconites (specifically The Macon Telegraph’s journalists and some in Macon’s city/county government) would like you to believe that neighborhoods such as the one I live in (and proud to say so) doesn’t want the best for the neighborhood.  As with the other untruths they perpetrate I have found that not to be the case.  Every neighborhood has those one or two homes that are bent on bring down the neighborhood.  Whether that be by  gun violence, spousal abuse, obnoxious children, irresponsible pet owners, closet racist, stealing government service, partial to a certain race of people and/or community of people, irresponsible homeowners, and corrupt business professional…………you get where I’m going.

It appears and my personal opinion is, they believe, if they shine the light over here on my neighborhood, their problems will be kept in the dark.  The Macon in the Mirror series by Joe Kovac a few years back  is an excellent example of this ruse skillfully executed on Macon, Georgia’s community.  I want everyone who has this distorted view to understand that I’m not blinded by the deception and neither are others.

Below was my response to Joe Kovac's divisive and racist journalism (Macon in the Mirror) in The Macon Telegraph and Ruse. Needless to say The Macon Telegraph removed all comments so that their star journalist could appear credible.

Kovac, your articles prove you are clueless and one of the many problems for Macon.  You separate the area of Pio Nono Ave. and Vineville Ave. by class, and failure to mention the demarcation of income.  The demarcation of income contributes to the plight of the community you’ve chosen to degrade.   Those community you snubbed have done much with little.   Once white folks start moving out of the community and blacks folks move in (that’s another long story) the one percent has no interest in improving the area.  Why, because their grandmother, uncle, aunt no longer live in the area, and have moved downtown, North Macon, and Hartley Bridge road area.

As some idiots on this forum stated Pio Nono Ave. area was once a thriving area when their folks lived in the community, but once black folks started moving in they moved out.   Now, black folks are following you to downtown, North Macon, and Hartley Bridge.  Not because they want to be in your presence, but because people want safety and the perks.

Macon’s businesses hiring practices have always been questionable.   The one percent in Macon with the money and power make decisions and get the perks.   Neighborhoods are neglected because of money, politicians, and people who know nothing about the struggle who want to appear to be experts.  Your two or three day walk up Pio Nono Ave tells me you learned nothing about the lifetime of being overlooked by people elected to represent all, but only represent a few

You are not allowed to “define” the community and/or the people who live there.  The people who live there will.


The series of articles are a veneer of journalistic integrity.  What you have not disclosed is the suit’s in city hall and county government is as much the reason for the declining appearances and racist attitudes (the ghetto Kroger, I‘m gonna keep my garden better than they do, I don‘t have any problems with them, a black guy had startle her) that permeates these articles. 

The same people you denigrate in the community,  pay taxes and reap little if anything from the reserves.  Reichert is not the answer to a better Macon, Hart is not the answer to a better Macon, Ellis  and others are not the answer to a better Macon.  A candidate who can diplomatically and objectively work for the good of all is the answer.

The suits in City Hall, County Government,  and the one percent have allowed Mercer University to reap the benefits of our resources, taxes, and communities.  Black folks are not only moved into communities, but are moved out to benefit the few.  The Coleman Hill/College Hill Projects are prime examples.

People in Macon Georgia and on this forum debate with each other about crime and the people who perpetrate these crimes on a daily basis.  When the biggest crimes are being committed/perpetrated on a daily basis by City Hall’s suits right before our eyes,  robbing us of our communities to maintain the status quo.  Keeping us at odds with each other allows them to rob us blind and destroy our communities.  Power is ruthlessly gained by dividing your adversaries and keeping them clueless. (black folks and white folks).

City Hall’s suits and the one percent are responsible for the demise of Macon, Georgia and the thugs are a product of that demise, in my opinion.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Bibb City/County (Macon) GA Animal Welfare Is Long Overdue for an Overhaul/Revamping

The below paragraphs is my initial reaction to Animal Welfare handling of my request.  The waters are still murky as to what actually unfolded in my simple request.  As I have said before, once a person loses trust in you, you have nothing.  A person word is their most powerful and valuable asset.   I’m waiting to see if my second request will be dealt with honestly and professionally, or will my doubts/initial reaction be validated.

It appears just as Lea’s cat is back to its old tricks, so is the Director of Macon’s Animal Welfare, Sonja Adams.   Today (June 27, 2016) I put an order in (SeeClickFix) for Animal Welfare to pick – up a cat that was trapped in my cage and to inform Ms. Adams that Lea’s cat was out on the prowl again after two weeks of absence from the neighborhood.  Well, needless to say she once again showed her true colors.   It appears her way of handling citizen concerns and /or calls is to mislead, distort, and bamboozle.  My present situation, I was told by her, the Department of AG would not allow a pick-up. It’s what I wasn’t told that makes me feel I had been bamboozled (Leaves Me SMH).   Because of my past experiences with Sonja Adams I knew to research and inquire to other resources.  And just as I had thought she did not level with me.   Because of my innate qualities, persistency and skepticism, I utilize all the available resources at my disposal.   It was discovered that I could deliver the cat myself to Animal Welfare, but that option was never disclosed.  To add more disgust to the situation….she posted, “sorry for the inconvenience”.  My question is, lady do you have no shame, compassion, and/or morals?

I tried to be civil towards her, but she has made it very difficult.  If not for City/County’s CSR , specifically, Ms. Mercer, there would not be civil communication between the two of us. But my patience are wearing thin.

She never responded to my second issue on SeeClickFix, Lea’s cat on top of a neighbor’s car (why Sonja allows this person to skirt the law, I don’t know), nor did she come back to inform me that the cat will be picked-up as I had requested.   I’ll let you guess whether I received documentation of the Dept. of Ag “stop/no pick –up order” from her assistant director.  Allow me to once again thank Ms. Mercer for intervening and bringing this lack of professionalism, conscientiousness, and overall integrity to a polite ending.  Would like to thank the Department of Agriculture for the information I received.  However, they would not send me documentation stating the information was misunderstood as I requested.  CYA extends all the way to the top.  “Oh, What a Tangled Web”.

Below is an email received from the assistant director June 27, 2016/ 9:20 am:

Cat in trap

Miss Patterson,

Will have someone out to pick up the cat in the trap ASAP.

Cson Johnson
Assistant Director

Mind you no mention of requested documentation.  I will in the future deal with Ms. Adams as my mother so often articulated, “feed her with a long handle spoon”.

The explanation given for the mix- up is, timing.  That is the time I made the request and the time they had the information.  I’m, however, skeptical of the explanation, because they never posted on SeeClickFix the correct information.  I’ll allow you to use your own judgement on this one, and I’ll keep my spoon handy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Most Despised Macon Newspaper -The Macon Telegraph - C. Jack Ellis

I question the telegraph's credibility and unbiased journalism.  It appears their journalist believe just because The Macon Telegraph and Ruse prints it , that makes it true.  C. Jack Ellis is loved by more people (that matters) than The Macon Telegraph and News would lead you to believe....primarily because he has not let The Macon Telegraph, political cronies,  Maconites (posing as not racist), and The Macon Telegraph writers (posing as journalist) define him.

Macon (in general) and people opinions of others are major problems in Macon, Georgia, but it has nothing to do with C. Jack Ellis.  Read the comment section of this article and decide for yourself.

Friday, June 10, 2016

How Inspiring is Danny D. Glover of Macon Georgia?

How Inspiring is This Macon, Georgia?

I was encouraged to see such an inspiring and motivated young black man take the initiative to improve (instead of destroy, degrade, and rob/steal/damage the reputation) the community he feels connected.  His background as a community activist reminds me of a young Barack Hussein Obama.   His goals are what it’s going to take to revitalize the black communities that are neglected, ignored, and destroyed by city-county government. I grew-up in the area he would like to revitalize, and have nothing but fond memories.   But he cannot do it by himself….he will need the help of like mind young, middle-age, and old people to extend a hand (get involved).

I would imagine some reading the article, thought as I did, what an admirable thing to do.  However, POC (low income, median income, high income) could make a difference by asking themselves, what can I bring to the table to assist this young man's endeavors.  And it may not necessarily require money, just your talents, whatever that may be.

We allow our neighborhoods to be things of the past (his-story) by sitting back and doing nothing, waiting for your tax paying dollars to benefit (kick-in) the neighborhood, waiting on someone else to do it, and waiting for the powers that be (city-county elected officials) to care.  The key word here is “waiting”.  Believe me, that’s not going to happen,  history has shown his-story WILL ALWAYS TAKE PRIORITY no matter how distorted and bias.

Another gross error we make in trying to better our communities, is begging/pleading (please) for the powers that be to fix our problems……..they see our issues as our problems not his/theirs.  So he/they have no interest or desire to intervene.  Your persistency, financial assistance, and fearlessness is the only thing that will work on people’s ignorance and/or people who ignore you.  Your willingness to contribute time, or money, and/or knowledge is the only thing that’s going to stop the bleeding (literally and figuratively) in our communities.

I contacted the writer (journalist/Stanley Dunlap/The Macon Telegraph) of this story by email asking for contact information for Mr. Danny D. Glover so that I could contribute to the goals of this young man….I don’t need to tell you there has been no response.  However, it will not stop me from doing what I can to assist.  I will also be trying to set up a gofundme page to garner support for his efforts.  If you, who are reading this and know Danny D. Glover I would appreciate any contact information provided. I don’t know the feasibility of a gofundme page, but I will be looking into it as well as other possibilities. Actual work begins when contact with the young man who initiated this awesome project is located. I especially ask those people of color to step up to the challenge and become involved. 
It would be uplifting if (and only if) the Mayor of Macon, Georgia saw what an opportunity this is to show his concern for Macon's  black communities demise, and assist this young man in the pursue of equal opportunity and community development.  Not necessarily assisting financially, but experiences and resources.  I was raised that when you, "Give a  man a fish, you'll feed him for a  day............teach a man to fish and you'll have fed him for a lifetime", and Glover has demonstrated by taking the initiative that he's not looking for a handout, but a hand up.

To be continued...............

Sunday, May 15, 2016

No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper….

These quotes come to mind that perfectly explained what happen Friday the thirteen (May 13, 2016) on SeeClickFix involving an ongoing problem I’ve had between Macon – Bibb County Animal Welfare, my neighbor Lea Cilbrith and her blatant violation of city/county ordinance 5-12.

Martin Luther King Jr., and I quote:

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.

Lea's dock tail cat off her property
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.

We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

Pity may represent little more than the impersonal concern which prompts the mailing of a check, but true sympathy is the personal concern which demands the giving of one’s soul.

Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.

The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?” But… the good Samaritan reversed the question: “If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.

History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.

Every citizen has the responsibility to lookout for their neighbor and their own property…….not to the extent that you are a nosy neighbor or obsessed property owner, but concern for you and your neighbor’s safety.  I had a neighbor tell me once she witness children peeping in my window, and the first question I wanted to know is why she didn’t call and tell me.  Her answer, she just didn’t.  Go figure. I also had a Lieutenant with the Macon –Bibb County Sheriff Department when ask for assistant in my neighbors violation of ordinance 5-12 tell me, and I quote “leave it alone”. 

I think it is hypocritical for a person to expect someone to be your voice in time of trouble and you don’t reciprocate.  Speaking out, when it appears to be against all odds is what has made profound changes and profound changes in people lives.  Bottom line, don’t be fearful to do the right thing, when fears engulfs your every being.  Right will always prevail.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Lea Cilbrith’s Cat (continued)

It comes as no surprise Lea Cilbrith appearance in court would not be a lesson learned.  Sonja Adams Director of Macon – Bibb Animal Welfare has allowed Ms. Cilbrith to circumvent the law by ignoring and/or down playing the seriousness of breaking the law.  Who do you hold responsible, the person who is breaking the law or the person who has the authority to stop it and doesn’t?  Yet, it appears she (Sonja Adams) finds ways to stop me from reporting or commenting on this annoying issue.  Can you say “stuck on stupid?

Yesterday, one of the officers from animal welfare stop by.  I had just pulled up to park in my driveway and saw him parked in front of my door.  I parked and walked to the driver side of his truck.  He greeted me and begin to explain the reason for being parked in front of my house.   I thanked him for coming by and thought that would be the end of our encounter.  In less than fifteen minutes into the conversation Lea’s cat was spotted off her property and entering on to mines.  The officer pulled his camera out and began to take pictures of the cat.  In the time he remained he took approximately five pictures of Lea’s cat off her property and one on my property, and at least one of the dog down the street off of his owner property without a leash.  Yada, Yada.

I had reported these animals earlier on up in the week and as usual no civilize response from Sonja Adams, if a response at all.  So yesterday she reported on SeeClickFix citations had been issued.  I commented also after her comment.  I became confused because my comment below was not posting.  I tried posting it as a new issue and still was unable to post.  So to test what was obviously happening, I post a different comment (As Long as the issue persist…….I will be persistent).  It was allowed to be posted, with a comment from her “no problem.   The deceit I’ve experience in trying to get this issue resolved is overwhelming.  Like her comment that it is “no problem”.  Well Sonja, it is a problem when I’m expected to base my reported issues solution on lies.  Comment in the next paragraph obviously ruffled her feathers, because it was not allowed.

"Thank you, Officer Brooks for coming by.  I was elated to see that you were able to witness what I witness on a daily basis, and hopefully can attest to where the problem lays and who perpetuates the problem.  I’m not the “cat lady”……the “cat lady” is the person who owns the cat/s (Lea Cilbrith), however, I am going to make sure no laws are being broken (no matter how insignificant/petty it may seem to others) in my neighborhood that I’m aware of and to me that’s every law abiding citizens responsibility that cares about their surroundings and the people who live in the neighborhood.   

I don’t care what you do on the property you pay taxes on (own)……..if it’s illegal /wrong don’t allow it to spill over on my property (property values) where I pay taxes. 

Pictures taken today while talking with Officer Brooks.  Lea’s cat is the one in the picture on my property." 

Another day when “Macon, Georgia Leaves Me Shaking My Head”.  Oh, now it seems as though everyone in city/county government would like to distant themselves (Mayor, Sheriff, Sheriff’s Precinct, City/County Commissioners, and SeeClickFix CSR) from the issue and me.  Can you say government works only if the people you elect works to make government work?

Friday, April 1, 2016

Oh, What A Tangle Web We Weave.........When We Practice to Deceive

I went before Judge Faulkner in Macon Georgia as a witness concerning the cat problem I’ve written about that persist in my neighborhood.  First I would like to say what an enlightening experience it was for me.  Judge Faulkner impressed me as a just judge.  He patiently took the time to put everyone at ease who came before him.  I was impressed particularly with an indigent defendant who came before him that was meticulous questioned to determine whether or not he was able to pay his fine.  It was disclosed he was not, rather than burdening the defendant any further with a fine he obviously could not pay the Judge gave him community service work.  How cool is that to witness such astuteness and compassion from the criminal justice system.

My summons to appear in court came a few days before the court date of March 30th.   Before the summons I had put an open record request for citations and any information relevant to the cat problem (Lea Cilbrith) I had been reporting for years.  Discovered through this open record request she had a court date.  The summons was heaped in erroneous information.  


Long and short of it, in satisfying my request as required  by law, they could only come up with one citation and one they needed to find.  Can you say sloppy record keeping and/or no record keeping or can you say no citations until ask.  Very suspicious, because I had been told all along citations (not one or two) had been issued to Lea Cilbrith.

Anyway, the reason Lea and I are in court is because she pleaded not guilty to city ordinance violation 5-12 (begin in control of animals) and I’m there as a witness.  Go figure.  She mention to the judge paper work related to efforts she had taken to have cats spayed and neuter.   That she  had only two cats, the reason why she allows her cat to roam off her property …….yada, yada.  I, in turn relayed to the judge, I just want her to keep the cats off my property and the expense I had been burden with because of the cats.

Do I need to tell you the 180 degree turn around Animal Welfare Director and her Assistant Director had in court?  They told the judge how they’ve tried to work with the both of us……..when all you need to do is read “” to see how they handled the problem.  I’ve suspected and always have suspected they were too accommodating to Ms. Cilbrith.  In fact the day we are to appear in court is the day Lea Cilbrith (teacher) did not have to go to work.  The day to appear in court was the week of “Spring Break”.  How many “breaks” does she need……….. can you way WTF? 

For all the people I sought help from, Lea Cilbrith, Macon Mayor Reichert and CSR, Sheriff Davis, Animal Welfare Director Adams, Animal Welfare Assistant Director Johnson, Animal Welfare Staff, and my precinct 3  who did nothing………justice was served in spite of.   Bottom line, Lea was fined (reduced fine) and it was implied in court she must be the “crazy cat lady” in the neighborhood.  Morrow of the story, oh, what a tangle web we weave…when we practice to deceive.

I don’t believe this is the end of this saga….stay tuned.